Adebo OA

Adebo OA


  • Research Article
    Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Melon Seeds Sheller
    Author(s): Sobowale SS, Adebiyi JA and Adebo OASobowale SS, Adebiyi JA and Adebo OA

    Melon seed is an important oil seed crop that serves numerous food purposes. Shelling of this crop is vital, prior to its vast applications. To address the challenges associated with shelling melon, a design for shelling melon seeds on a small scale was presented and evaluated. Parameters evaluated include shelling efficiency, percentage seed shelled and damaged, throughput and machine capacity. The machine was constructed using locally available materials and consists of a hopper, frame, shelling and cleaning unit, chutes and prime mover. Shelling operation was carried using melon seeds of three different moisture contents (6.99, 11.90 and 18.32%) and at different shelling speeds of 2500 and 1500 rpm, while performance evaluation were evaluated. Results obtained showed that shelling speed of 1500 rpm and moisture content of 18.32% has the best shelling efficiency of 76.30% and least .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000463

    Abstract PDF