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Brain Disorders & Therapy

Brain Mapping

Brain mapping is to understand the relationship between the structure and function of the human brain. Scientists seek to gain knowledge of the physical processes that underlie human sensation, attention awareness and cognition. These results are immediately applicable to surgical intervention, to the design of medical interventions and to the treatment of psychological and psychiatric disorders.Brain mapping attempts to relate the brain's structure to its function, or finding what parts give us certain abilities. For example, what aspect of our brain allows us to be creative or logical? This is called localization of function.In mapping brain functions, scientists use imaging to watch the brain working on various tasks.
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Brain Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Medical Diagnostic Methods, Brain Imaging and Behavior, Brain Research Journal, Brain Stimulation, Brain Structure and Function, Brain Topography, Brain; a journal of neurology, Brain and Cognition, Brain and Development, Brain and Language