Anton Shakhmin
Anton Shakhmin
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Advanced Technology Group
Promega Biosciences
San Luis Obispo
Anton Shakhmin have a PhD in Organic Chemistry from University of Southern California in 2014 Los Angeles CA. Currently he is working as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in R&D department at Promega Biosciences. he works on Developed a new, robust synthetic methodology for the preparation of air and light sensitive coelenterazine analogues. The method was widely adopted and became a preferred synthetic route at Promega, enabling the synthesis >150 coelenterazine analogues Collaborated with cell and molecular biologists to design, synthesize and test analogs in search of a substrate with better performance in cell based assays Performed the SAR study to aid in the design of new coelenterazine analogs emitting red-shifted bioluminescence for in vivo imaging.
Organic and Medicinal chemistry, Drug design, Biochemistry, Method development, Structure-Activity Relationships studies.