Which treatment for necrotic immature teeth?
8th International Conference and Exhibition on Dentistry & Oral Care
April 18-20, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Hamdi Hasan Algunaid

Polyclinic Larbi Khrouf, Algeria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Traditional methods of treatment of immature root with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis pose multiple challenges. These challenges include disinfection of the root canal with standard protocols that aggressively use endodontic files, filling the root canal with an open apex that provides no barrier for stopping the root filling material before impinging on the periodontal tissues and the susceptibility of the teeth to fracture because of their thin roots. The aim is to expose the different technique used for treatment of necrotic immature teeth. One technique will be detailed.

Biography :

Hamdi Hasan Algunaid has completed his specialty in 2011, from Badji Mokhtar University Annaba-Algeria. He is the Director of unit conservative dentistry and endodontics at polyclinic Attoui saleh Elhadjar Annaba-Algeria. He is a member of the French Dental Association and the Algerian Dental Association and also participated in the 4th pan Arab endodontic conference by a poster entitled “Early childhood caries” at Hammamet, Tunisia in October 2015.

Email: hamdi80a@hotmail.com