Hamed Orafi
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of odontogenic jaw cysts in a Libyan population and to compare the data with previously published reports from other countries. Materials and Methods: We retrieved and analyzed 2190 case notes and biopsy records of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Al Arab Medical Sciences University, Benghazi, Libya, dating from January 1990 to December 2005. There were 326 cases (14. 8%) of diagnosed odontogenic cysts among the 2190 biopsies performed during this period. The cases were analyzed for age and sex distribution, site of presentation, association with impacted teeth, and the method of treatment. Results: The male to female ratio of patients was 1. 3:1 Radicular cysts accounted for 222 cases (68. 1%), followed by dentigerous cysts (n=49, 15%) and odontogenickeratocysts (n=43, 14. 1%). Mean ages of the patients were, respectively, 31. 7, 22. 7 and 36. 1 years. . The maxilla was more commonly involved than the mandible (1. 3:1). The anterior maxilla was the commonest site (n=132, 37. 4%) followed by the posterior mandible (n=96, 29. 4%). Fifty three cases were associated with impacted teeth, and the highest frequency was for dentigerous cysts (n=37). Enucleation and curettage was performed on 300 patients, marsupialization on 14, and marginal/segmental resection on 12. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first such study on a Libyan population. Our results are comparable to studies from other countries. Knowledge of the relative frequencies and sites of presentation of odontogenic cysts in different ethnogeographic backgrounds is essential for the early diagnosis and management of these benign yet potentially destructive lesions.
Hamed Orafi has completed his MD at the age of 33 years from Trinity College Dublin (TCD), post doctoral research with Gothenburge university Sweden, he is an ex-dean at Benghazi dental school & hospital, now he is senior clinical consltant at (JUST), he is a member of Egyptian &Arab & African & international association of oral & maxillofacial surgery & American association of oral & maxillofacial surgeons, he is an external examiner in many MENA dental schools