Satoshi Harada
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: PAA
The technical advance of radiotherapy enabled us to optimize the radiation fi eld to the tumor at our will. If the capsule that release anticancer medicine by radiation can be innovated, the optimized radiation fi eld will localize the anticancer medicine to the tumor. In addition if the released anticancer drugs have synergistic eff ect with radiation, increased anticancer eff ect will be brought about via synergism with anticancer medicine and radiation, and adverse eff ect of anticancer medicine will be decreased by its localization. Since 2005, we have been developing microcapsules that release anticancer drugs during radiotherapy and anticancer drug targeting. Th e capsules were generated by spraying a mixture of 3.0% hyaluronic acid and 2.0% alginate, supplemented with 0.3% H 2 O 2 , 0.2 mmol of carboplatin, and 0.5 mol/l FeCl 2 and CaCl 2 . Using these microcapsules, two types of anticancer drug targeting were tested. Type 1: Th e microcapsules are subcutaneously injected in the area surrounding the tumor, followed by delivery of radiations. Th e irradiated microcapsules release anticancer drug (carboplatin). Type 2: Th e fi rst radiation was given to the area where we want to deliver drugs. Th e fi rs radiation induce P-selectin antigen. Th e capsules that are labeled with FcSV antibody of P-selectin are gathered by radiation-antigen (P-selectin) guided accumulation. Th e accumulated microcapsules were irradiated by second radiation and release anticancer drug (carboplatin). Th ese two types of microcapsules targeted the anticancer drugs. Th e targeted anticancer drugs (carboplatin) along with radiation synergistically acted against the tumor, resulting in increased antitumor activity. Localization of anticancer drugs by using microcapsules decreased the adverse eff ects of anticancer drugs.
Satoshi Harada got Japanese MD license at age of 25 and completed Phd at the age of 29 from postdoctoral studies from Iwate Medical University, School of Medicine. He is a assistant professor of Iwate Medical University, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology. He wrote more than 25 papers.