Solid waste recycling benchmarking
8th World Congress and Expo on Recycling
June 25-26, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Doron Lavee

Tel Hai Academic College, Israel

Keynote: Int J Waste Resour


The research analyses the factors influencing the recycling potential of municipalities. Previous studies have shown that a waste management system that combines both landfill and recycling may be economically efficient, yet in practice many municipalities still do not operate significant recycling programs. The current paper identifies factors that predict where potential for economically efficient recycling is highest. It is shown that a small number of municipal characteristics, for which data is readily available, determine the recycling potential of the municipality. By applying our simple model to such data, it is possible to predict with close to 90% accuracy whether or not recycling will be economically efficient in any given municipality. Government ministries and agencies working to advance preferred waste management solutions have at their disposal only limited resources and budget, and so must concentrate their efforts where they will be most effective. The paper thus provides a powerful tool to help policy makers direct their efforts to encourage recycling at those municipalities where recycling is optimal, effectively replacing the need to carry out costly individual cost-benefit analyses.

Biography :

Doron Lavee holds a PhD in Public Economics from the Ben-Gurion University; an MA in Economics and an MBA in Business Administration and Economics from the Hebrew University. He is a Member of the Department of Economics and Management at Tel-Hai Academic College. He also serves as a Partner and General Manager of Pareto Group Ltd. He is a well-known expert with over 22 years of experience in economic and environmental consulting, financial advisory and strategic consulting in various fields, including issues related to economic efficiency and the periphery. He has extensive experience in managing complex projects and large-scale environmental economic consulting and conducting projects for the public and government sectors, including government ministries, local authorities, government corporations and public agencies.
