Recycling of olive pomace bottom ash for fired clay bricks

Dolores Eliche Quesada

: Int J Waste Resources


Olive pomace bottom ash was used to replace different amount (10-50 wt %) of clay in brick manufacturing. The aims are both studying bricks properties and showing a new way of olive pomace bottom ash recycling. The properties of waste bricks were compared to conventional products following standard procedures in order to determinate the maximum waste percentage. The amount of olive pomace bottom ash is limited to 20 wt % obtaining bricks with superior engineering properties adding 10 wt % of waste. The addition of higher amount of waste gives rise to bricks that are on the edge of meet the values of water absorption and compressive strength established by UNE standards. Therefore, the addition of 10 and 20 wt % of olive pomace bottom ash gives rise to bricks with a bulk density of 1635 and 1527 kg/m3 and a compressive strength of 33.9 MPa and 14.2 MPa respectively. Fired bricks fulfill standards requirements for clay masonry units at the same gets a better thermal insulation of the buildings due to a reduction of the thermal conductivity of 14.4% and 16.8% respectively respect to the control bricks (only clay).