Pathological jealousy: Romantic relationship characteristics, emotional and personality aspects, and social adjustment
Euro Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Psychiatry
July 20-22, 2015 Barcelona, Spain

Andrea Lorena da Costa Stravogianni, Monica L Zilberman and Hermano Tavares

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Pathological jealousy is defined as an unfounded, irrational, and unrealistic concern, evoking various emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that cause significant damage to social and loving relationships. We compared 63 subjects-32 with pathological jealousy and 31 healthy subjects without jealous concerns - in terms of socio-demographic data, personality, impulsivity, and jealousy intensity, as well as aspects of their romantic relationship, such as quality, attachment types, and love styles. PJ participants showed high levels of impulsivity, elevated novelty seeking and harm avoidance, and lower self-directedness and cooperativeness. They showed high trait anxiety and poor social adjustment. Most of them were unsatisfied in their romantic relationships, presented the anxious-ambivalent attachment type, together with the Mania love style. Multivariate analysis showed that jealousy intensity and trait anxiety were the variables that best distinguished participants with PJ from the control group.

Biography :

Andrea Lorena da Costa Stravogiannis, now Psychologist, Master?s degree and Collaborator at the Impulse Control Disorder Outpatient Clinic (AMITI), Department and Institute of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. She is leading a Love and Pathological Jealousy Unit and is specialized in the treatment of addictions and behavioral addictions. Her investigations have been focused in interpersonal relationships, pathological love and pathological jealousy, and in the process of psychotherapy.