Oral health provides a path to improved healthcare and reduced cost
17th World Congress on Oral Care and Probiotics
November 14-16, 2016 Orlando, USA

Fred Ferguson

AboutsSmiles Inc., USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Many aspects of primary care are failing, which has increased the burden on chronic care. Primary care could mitigate these failures by capturing pertinent information about how consumers manage their oral health over time. The behaviors, habits and lifestyle choices that impact oral health are also risk factors for common chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiac problems and obesity. This oral health information could be used by primary care as an early alert signal of issues with long-term health and quality of life. As a consumer behaviors, habits and lifestyle choices are very significant to their health journey, a logical first step is to enable consumers to become competent health managers. This web solution will also bring the patient�??s oral profile to their primary care provider and demonstrate oral health measures to payers. These benefits will establish benefit of oral health to systemic health and beyond. These insights indicate that a patient�??s oral health profile could significantly benefit primary and chronic care management. I call this oral health profile, comprised of the patient�??s information confirmed by the outcomes of their dental examination, Smart Data. Smart data can provide benefits to improve population health and reduce disparities and inequities for consumers and improve collaboration across healthcare.

Biography :

Email: ferguson@aboutsmiles.com