Oral breathing: Study of prevalence and risk factors in a Moroccan population
17th International Conference on Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
September 24-25, 2018 | Montreal, Canada

Salwa regragui

University Mohamed V in Rabat, Morocco

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Introduction: Oral breathing is a dysfunction that sets in to compensate for deficient nasal ventilation thus favoring oralcranial- facial malformations. Due to the absence of epidemiological data on this dysfunction in Morocco, we conducted a study to determine its prevalence according to risk factors. Materials and method: The study was conducted on schoolchildren in three regions with different climate and pollution levels, and was based on the use of a clinical diagnostic record. Results and discussion: The prevalence of oral breathing, as well as the accompanying facial and dental changes, increase with the degree of humidity and pollution. The comparison of our results with studies conducted in other countries with different climates, cultures, and lifestyles has given rise to a very interesting discussion on this dysfunction, which deserves its integration into the health policy of countries.

Biography :

Salwa Regragui has completed her PhD and postdoctoral studies in Rabat Faculty of Dentistry in Moroccan Mohamed V University. She was the head of the orthodontics department. She is the President of the Moroccan association of orthodontics. Recently she is appointed as Vice Dean of the University. She has published 6 papers in indexed journal: “International Orthodontics.”

E-mail: salwaregragui@gmail.com