Eduardo Messen
University of Frontera, Chile
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
For a long period of time, the orthodontic treatment has covered a big percent of people treatments. Nowadays, in order to get new goals to reach gold standard we need to obtain not only right teeth but also a facial harmony, functional occlusion, increase airway space, periodontal health, TMJ health. Therefore, to obtain all these goals we need to work together with surgeons in orthodontic and surgery treatment. A time ago we used to treat all our patients through different orthodontic techniques to obtain some good results in severe skeletal anomalies. The wrong idea was to compensate the skeletal cases. The orthodontic treatment did not get the goals. Now when we work with patients with severe and moderate skeletal problems we choose the orthodontic and surgical treatment, improving the results and decreasing treatment time.
Eduardo Messen graduated with Honors in Ortodontist both from University of Valparaíso Dental School and the University of Chile. He has the specialty in TMJ Disorders. He is Assistant Professor in Ortodontist at University of Frontera Temuco Chile. He has been a national and international speaker for several times in orthodontist, surgery and TMJ topics in countries such as USA, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Argentina and Central American countries. Recently he has received the Latin American “Prize to the Medical by Achievement for a better life” by IOCIM Organization. He is also a member of The American Association of Orthodontist and the Word Federation of Orthodontist. His private practice is in Temuco Chilean Patagonia.