Invisalign orthodontics
5th American Dental Congress
October 05-07, 2015 Philadelphia, USA

Jasmeet Punia

Punjab University, India

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Man has been striving for generations to improve his outlook and his appearance ?? his aesthetics in which the face and the teeth play an important part in his presentation to the outside world. To enhance this desire, attention has been given to correct malformations of teeth. In earlier times this was done by crude methods, later evolved the concept of ??braces? which are fixed on the labial surfaces of the teeth. Nowadays, orthodontists have given a new dimension to their arena of operations, shifting from the labial to the lingual so as to give rise to the concept of ??invisible braces?. Conventional brackets used are made up of metal and have the disadvantage of being unaesthetic, poor oral hygiene and social stigma. To be able to overcome such drawbacks, the orthodontic community came out with the ultimate aesthetic solution ?? Invisalign Orthodontics. Since its inception in the 1970s, great advances have been made in this modality. At present, lingual orthodontics encompasses accurate diagnosis, treatment protocol, clinical and laboratory procedures.

Biography :

Jasmeet Punia has completed his Dental Degree (BDS) from Punjab University, India and working as an intern. He has attended around 25 camps in rural areas. He has been an active member of NGO run by the name of Udham emergency.
