Neveen S. Geweely
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: PAA
Soil samples were collected from three sites (Wadi-El-Natrun, Kafr- El-sheekh and Mallahat road) located in Cairo- Alexandria agriculture road, Egypt. Th e total fungal counts allover the road was 755 colonies, constituting ten fungal species ( Alternaria alternata , Aspergillus fl avus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Fusarium moniliforme, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium purpurogenum, Phoma herbarum and Rhizopus oryzae) . Th e most potent fungal species producing pigments along the road were A. nidulans, F. moniliforme, P. purpurogenum and P. herbarum . Comparative sensitivity to diff erent light wave lengths and radiation (laser, gamma and ultraviolet rays) on growth and pigment production in the four selected fungal species was estimated. Optimization of physical and nutritional factors on growth and pigment production was carried out. A steady increase in the antioxidant activities was showed in all four tested pigments producing species with raising the phenol contents. Th e extracellular pigment of P. purpurogenum was found to be more eff ective against some pathogenic microbes and has a potential role in pharmaceutical drug industry. Th e identifi cation of the structure of unknown P. purpurogenum pigment was detected using UV and IR spectra, and indicated that it is an phenolic compound and has broad stretching OH, C=C and C-H groups of the aromatic ring.