Shumaila Moosa
Posters: Oral Health Dent Manag
Objective: Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cements (RMGICs) are Fluoride releasing dental materials. They can be recharged with sources of Fluoride during their service in oral cavity. Fluoride containing toothpastes are in common use today. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of Fluoride containing toothpastes on rechargability of RMGICs after exposure to high and low Fluoride containing toothpastes. Materials and Methods: Sixty specimens were made from two RMGICs. Initially Fluoride was measured without exposure to source of Fluoride from 20 control specimens and remaining 40 experimental specimens were exposed to Fluoridate toothpastes for 60 days twice daily. Than Fluoride released by specimens was measured using Ion Selective Electrode. Data was analyzed using one way ANOVA. Results: RMGICs which were exposed to low Fluoride neutral source released less Fluoride than RMGICs which were exposed to high Fluoride acidic source. Conclusion: RMGICs can be recharged with Fluoridated toothpaste and acidic toothpaste is more effective in causing statistically significant recharge.