Improving municipal solid waste management through recycling
4th World Congress and Expo on Recycling
July 27-29, 2017 | Rome, Italy

Grace P Sapuay

Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines, Philippines

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Int J Waste Resour


Recycling has been a by-word in the modern world as virgin resources, with which we produce various goods are becoming scarce. As the population grows, so do the demand for a variety of consumer goods, the packaging of which, will most likely end as garbage. Indeed, municipal solid waste has been increasing at an alarming rate. Local governments are hard put at trying to come up with strategies in order to contain the massive generation of municipal solid waste. One way to improve management of municipal solid waste is through recycling, as this helps to reduce the volume of waste being disposed in the landfill, divert the solid waste to recycling companies, to be converted to new materials. It also gives a new form of livelihood to the poor people who could not find a job, which requires a higher level of educational attainment. Nowadays, most of the materials being used for production are made from recycled things, whether paper, plastic, tins, bottles, and others. Specifically, plastic waste is the single most problematic material in the waste stream. Plastic materials from packaging are highly recyclable, yet most people discard this material and throw them randomly just about anywhere. Philippines, for example, has been mentioned as the third largest producer of plastic waste in Asia. There is an on-going campaign to prevent plastic waste from going into the oceans as these are almost choking with plastic waste. In order to do this, an efficient and sustainable strategy to recover plastic for recycling will surely help to reduce and divert this type of recyclable waste away from the seas, from landfills and from the environment. This will greatly help to improve municipal solid waste management.

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