Human Photosynthesis and AD
2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems
20-22 February 2012 San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront, USA

Arturo Sol�s Herrera

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pharm Anal Acta


More than 100 years have passed by since the first description of AD by Alois Alzheimer, however the patients are dying in the same way. Our discovery of the hitherto unknown capacity of the human body to split the water molecule breaks the paradigm. In accordance with our experience of 21 years, the signs and symptoms of AD are compatible with a generalized failure of the CNS, therefore AD is an energy problem, not a biomass trouble. In this work we are presenting the basis and results of our completely new treatment whose principles are grounded in a very different physiology: the main source of energy of the human body is water not food, in other words: the main source of energy of the CNS is the water located in the ventricles and subarachnoid space, and not through the blood vessels. Glucose is just a source of biomass, and therefore it must be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and then needs to be transported to the different tissues in our organism by the blood vessels but eukaryotic cell uses glycans only as building blocks, surprisingly energy is taken from water, a very different and unknown concept. Energy comes in an unsuspected highly proportion (99%) from a similar process in plants: the water dissociation, a reaction that we appointed as human photosynthesis by their analogies with the photosynthesis of the plants. The capacity of our body to take energy from water begin to diminish at 26 years old, at rate of approximately 10 % each decade, and after fifties it goes into free fall. This seems to be the natural history, however several factors are able to turning down the human photosynthesis levels, as alcohol, iron supplements, high fructose syrup, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, medical compounds with a high apparent distribution volume like antidepressants, old age, diabetes, trauma; contaminated water, etc. When the energy released by our photosynthesis system is comprised in enough amount and time, chaos sooner or later overcome. With the medical enhancement of the natural capacity of our body to split and back-bonding the water molecule, the recovery of AD patients are astonishing. In this brief presentation we will present some examples of the remarkable improvement in patients with AD treated at our Human Photosynthesis Study Center.

Biography :

Dr. Arturo Solis Herrera is director and founder of Human Photosynthesis Study Center, in Aguascalientes, M?xico. Dr. Solis-Herrera is Ophthalmologist from UNAM, Neuro-Ophthalmologist from National Institute of Neurology, MsC from University of Aguascalientes and PhD in Pharmacology from University of Guadalajara. The basic process of Human Photosynthesis was observed in human retina in 1990, along a study about the three main causes of blindness, data obtained during twelve years of continued work, finally allowed him, in 2002; the understanding of the intrinsic property of melanin to split and reform the water molecule.