Tasneem Al-Subaih
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
The crafting of ideal smile requires analysis and evaluations of the face, lips, gingival tissues, and teeth and an appreciation of how they appear collectively. For as far as we remember, gingival zenith or what is termed as ?Zenith Point? is considered to be a vital component in the smile analysis and esthetics. Zenith is defined as the most apical position of the cervical tooth margin where the gingiva is most scalloped. It is located slightly distal to the vertical line drawn down the center of the tooth. Establishing the proper location of zenith points is a critical step in alteration of mesial and distal dimensions. In this presentation we will briefly discuss the components of smile analysis, specifically the zenith point and then move into its importance in the dental field and lab work while elaborating it through several presented cases.
Al-Subaih has completed her Bachelors degree in Dental Surgery from Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy. She is currently working as a teaching assistant in the restorative department at the same university. Dr. Tasneem and her research team were recently granted the second place in the research day of RCsDP.