M. Omer Gorduysus
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
We can define the population of the 21st century as ?aging society?. Especially in recent decades, the life expectancy and the percentage of older population have been increasing impressively in the world. To provide elder people a good quality of endodontic therapy, to ensure them a better quality of oral health and overall to improve their life quality by saving their teeth with successful root canal therapy (RCT) is recently gaining importance in gerodontology. Geroendodontics is becoming one of the trendy topics and a promising sub-branch of endodontics. Working with the increasing number of the individuals of ?aging society? brings new challenges in clinical applications and approaches during daily routine of an endodontist. Besides the clinical aspects the demographic, social and economical points of the subject are also crucial to emphasize. The purpose of this presentation is to emphasize and introduce demographic data about aging societies, background about geriatrics, physiological and histological changes in the pulp, teeth and mouth of older people, special clinical approaches to geriatric groups in endodontics, to discuss about clinical challenges, problems and their solving, treatment outcomes, potential clinical risks and the effects of their general health problems to their endodontic therapy, case selection, treatment planning and the clinical strategies, patient-doctor-family (and/or social workers, institutes) collaboration and coordination in line of the treatment of geriatric patients
M. Omer Gorduysus (DDS, Ph.D., Professor) was born in Istanbul. He graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry with the degree of DDS, completed his post-graduate program in Endodontics in the United States at the University of Southern California with the scholarship of Turkish Goverment and received the title of ?Specialist in Endodontics (1990-1992) later received his Ph.D. in Endodontics from Hacettepe University, Ankara-Turkey in 1993, went to ACTA of Amsterdam with the scholarship of the Goverment of the Netherlands (given by NUFFIC) in 1998, in the same year became Invited Professor and clinical instructor at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics in Canada (1998-2000). He studied in the field of research and has many publications in SCI covered besides the some local and international journals. His actual position is Professor at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry Department of Endodontics, convener of graduade endo program and editor in chief of ?Clinical Dentistry and Research?, also giving national and international lectures.