Evidence on the use of Acetaminophen in febrile children and current challenges in paediatric research
10th Pharmacovigilance Congress
September 20-21, 2017 Charlotte, USA

Gannu Praveen Kumar and Anitha

Sahasra Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Pharmacovigil


Clinical research is in a time of change involving children and young people, from newborn babies to adolescents, has traditionally been fraught with both ethical and practical challenges. Antipyretics, including acetaminophen (paracetamol), are prescribed commonly in children with pyrexia, despite minimal evidence of a clinical benefit. The present study was conducted in a tertiary hospital and investigates whether paracetamol administration decreases the overall duration of fever and is effective and safe in symptomatic treatment of febrile children. The efficacy of paracetamol in febrile illnesses in children and adverse outcomes related to the use of paracetamol shows no clear benefit for the use in therapeutic doses in febrile children with viral or bacterial infections or with malaria. Some studies suggest that fever may have a beneficial role in infection, although no definitive prospective studies in children have been done to prove this. The use of paracetamol in therapeutic doses generally is safe, although hepatotoxicity occurs with recommended dosages in children. In developing countries where malnutrition is common, data on the safety of paracetamol are lacking. The cost of paracetamol for poor families is substantial. No evidence shows that it is beneficial to treat febrile children with paracetamol. Treatment should be given only to children who are in obvious discomfort and those with conditions known to be painful. Our study did not find any clinical significance with administration of paracetamol in therapeutic doses in febrile children.

Biography :

Gannu Praveen Kumar is currently working as Professor and Principal in Sahasra Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India. He is an External Examiner for Postgraduation and Doctoral students. He has published in both national and international journals and compiled few chapters for text books. He received Gem of India award in the year 1999. He was selected as a best academician of Vaagdevi college of Pharmacy in 2002 and of Talla Padmavathi College of Pharmacy in 2011. He visited USA, Spain, London, Singapore, Dubai and Malaysia as invited speaker.