Letic-Gavrilovic Anka
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
One of the most important aspects of every position of the dental team is to have excellent communication skills. Interacting with people is a key part of oral health care between professionals, within the team, with the public and especially with our patients. Understanding the basic principles of good communication should be a requirement for everyone and their application in oral health care is an absolute ?must?. The research on dental anxiety, dentist-patient relationship, compliance and dental attendance deals with some of the aspects of acquiring and applying communication skills. Patient?s emotional state and neurophysiological subconscious could make big difference and impact on our work and relationships inside of the team. It is obvious both, in area of General and Specialized Dentistry. Roughly 90% of our patients behavior is subconscious. They cannot actually explain to which Dental Clinic or Doctor they are preferred to direct. Traditional research, trying to answer on these dilemmas, typically involves questionnaires, focus groups, or in-depth interviews, and they are of dubious value. Neuromarketing and the behavior sciences behind it, provides new ways to look at the old question: how doctor-patients communicate and make decision? Neuroscience offers an academic approach to better understanding how information leads to changes in attention, emotional responses, preference formation, choices and learning. In order to determine the objective state and motives, measure of EEG brain activity while viewing dental images, products, films or advertisements is performed. Beside, electroencephalography ( EEG), biometric measurements, nonverbal communication skills, eye-tracking, facial coding (both automated and manual), and other technologies are available to estimate patient?s brain activity and behavior. Conclusively, neuroscience methodologies could greatly improve our understanding of the role of the emotions and the subconscious learning in determining patient?s health care objectives. Neuromarketing strategies should be foster at any level of Dental marketing, to help our patients to develop strong bonds towards chosen Clinic on long-term basis. Not only is patients? satisfaction positively related to the communicative behavior of dentists, but the principle of informed consent requires dentists also to inform their patients adequately enough for them to reach a well-informed decision about the treatment. Therefore, it remains important to train dentists in communicative skills.
Letic-Gavrilovic Anka, DDS, PhD, duringlong scientific career collaborated with Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Histochemistry Department, London; Fukuoka Dental College, Department of Biochemistry, Fukuoka, Japan. Now works as Assoc. Prof. of Physiology and Biochemistry at RAKCODS, Dental College, United Arabic Emirates. Researching inoral biochemistry, immunology and basic clinical mechanism of dental implantology, Dr Anka expressed particular scientific interest in Biomaterials for bone reconstruction. Most of the work was dedicated to the regulatory role of growth factors in morphogenesis and postnatal development of the immune system and salivary glands. Recently, Dr Ankais very active in field of brain neurophysiology and practical applications. Neuromarketing is an academic approach to better understand how information leads to changes in attention, emotional responses, preference formation, choices and learning. Dr Letic?s present interest remains beautiful mystery of brain function. While there?s general agreement that attention and emotional engagement of brain, can be tracked, identifying specific emotions with confidence has been elusive. Therefore, data from neuromarketing are still best used when triangulated with more traditional data such as interviews, questionnaires, and historical data.