Camila Maria Beder Ribeiro
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
Epidemiologic assessments of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and its histopathological findings allow one to track prevalence and assess demographic profiles for this disorder. This study focused on the demographic profile of OSCC in a north-eastern city. Material and Methods: Over the course of 10 years, 1623 cases were analyzed. OSCC cases were evaluated and de-mographic data collected. Results: Of the 115 cases analyzed, 63% of patients were male and 37% female. Mean age was 66. 88years for female patients and 60 years for male patients. Ethnicanalysis revealed 44% were dark-skinned women and 48% were African-American men. The most common location was the tongue, with the palate second in both genders. Conclusion: The methodology used allowed us to show that OSCC is more likely in dark-skinned men. This subgroup of the population should be targeted for health promotion and prevention activities specific to these malignant neoplasias.
Camila Maria Beder Ribeiro has completed her PhD in Stomatopathology at the age of 29 years from State University of Campinas. She is the professor of College of Dentistry and Professional Masters and also oral pathologist of University Center Cesmac. She has published more than 16 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.