Anil Chandra
King Georgeā??s Medical University, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
The explosive development of new technology in endodontic therapy, as well as innovative solutions to unanswered questions of the past in the field of endodontics, will continue at an exponential rate well into this millennium. Although the latest tools for performing endodontics, such as rotary instrumentation and thermoplastic obturation techniques, have elevated the specialty to a level of sophistication never before attained, a number of areas remain that require significant advancement. Diagnosis is one of the areas of main concern. While medicine has catapulted itself in the areas of prevention and diagnosis, endodontics is lagging behind in these areas. Pulpal diagnosis may no longer be strictly based upon ice application or tapping a tooth with the end of a mirror handle but we still continue to use this as the main tool. Scenarios such as, these are not too far off in the distant future and thatā??s why supporters of dental implants keep on treating the unconquered regime of endodontics. Priority areas in endodontics which can improve further upon the success rate includes conservation of tooth structure, improved cleaning and shaping with irrigation and replacing traditional Gutta-percha with some biological polymer or some similar smart material. To imagine an endodontic obturating material that would completely seal a system and alter its structure or release a chemical in response to a pH change or bacterial influx is another possibility. The future of endodontics has never looked so bright, promising and exciting; the unspoken tension is here but can be taken care of.
Anil Chandra is currently serving as a Professor at the Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, faculty of Dental sciences, K G’s Medical University. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in year 1983 from King George’s Medical College, Lucknow and went on to do his Master’s in Operative Dentistry from the prestigious University (BHU) in year 1986. He is actively involved in teaching at both under graduate and Post-graduate level since 1986 (a total experience of 28 years). During this period he has guided more than 35 dissertations and has more than 50 indexed international and national publications to his credit. He has written chapter on “Role of Radiology in Endodontics” for IGNOU certificate course and has also contributed in the Practical manual for this course beside others. He has been conferred with the “Distinguished Alumni Award” at Banaras Hindu University- Varanasi in Dec 2010. He is also a recipient of “Award of Excellence” in Sept 2013 from KG’s Medical University. He currently serves as Editor-in-chief of “Indian Journal of Restorative Dentistry” and Editorial Board Member of “Asian Journal of Dentistry”.