Zuhal Kirzioglu, ZulfikarZahit and Ozlem Ozmen
Posters: Oral Health Dent Manag
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate developmental effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure of 2.45 GHz electromagnetic field (EMF) on teeth and its surrounding tissues. Materials and methods: This study was initiated with 24 pregnant Wistar albino rats after obtaining the necessary permits from The Ethical Committee of Suleyman Demirel University. Rats were divided into two groups as Control (n=12) and Experiment (n=12). Experiment group was exposed to 2.45 GHz EMF for 2 hours in a day at pregnancy (21 days) and lactation (21 days) period. Also, offspring of these dams were exposed to EMF on lactation period. The exposure wasn?t applied to control group (dams and offspring). 8 male offspring rats from each two groups sacrificed under anesthesia when they were 7, 14 and 21 days old for the examination of development. Upper and lower jaw samples were examined histologically and immune histochemically. In immune histo chemical examination for apoptotic activity caspase-3 (Anti-caspase-3 antibody (ab4051) Abcam, 1/50 dilution) was used. Results: In samples which examined macroscopic, microscopic and immune histo chemical, there were no significant differences between two groups in terms of development and apoptotic activity. Conclusion: There was no difference in results of examinations between the experimental and control groups, suggesting that, exposed to 2.45 GHz EMF 2 hours in a day does not interfere with development of teeth and surrounding tissues. However, EMF induced effects are not instantaneous such as chemical and environmental agents; they can be formed from the accumulation of cumulative interactions. Therefore nowadays, considering of the increasing of wireless networks use and duration of use, we sure that further studies including high number of subjects with longer-term exposure are needed.