Dental implants: Complications, mishaps and failures
10th Dentists and Prosthodontics Annual Meeting
June 27-28, 2016 New Orleans Louisiana, USA


Spartanburg Hospital for Restorative Care, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Everyone knows that dental implants have a better that 95% success rate depending on who you read. But what do you do when faced with that other 5%. This presentation will cover the implant cases and situations that are not normally addressed at implant seminars. The presentation will review the implant components that have the greatest chance of having a mishap or failure as well as the types of failures that can and do occur. This will include everything from loose screws and broken bars to fractured implant bodies and abutments. It will also cover the consequences of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Specific cases will be shown to demonstrate each mishap, complication or failure as well as the step-by-step procedures to repair, replace and put the prosthesis back into function. The standard of care states clearly that not only does a dentist have to have the knowledge for the placement of dental implants but also the knowledge of what to do when a complication, mishap or failure occurs. If he does not he should not place or restore implants.

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