Dental immunization: Reinventing community public health approach
30th Annual Conference on Dental Practice and Oral Health
September 18-19, 2017 Hong Kong

Irene Adyatmaka

University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Problem with oral health community program is that it is low priority, no fixed budget, high reliance on sponsorship from government, NGO or company, no ownership from community and even community does not realize the benefit they are getting. Many programs will just stop whenever the funding stops. This explained why caries status remains high in many countries. The method of community program which used to spoon-fed the community need to be reinvented. Dental Immunization is an innovative program that is proven to create ownership and responsibility from community. With the unique approach in dental immunization, community felt that this program is beneficial for them and they are willing to pay for the cost to run the program. Not only the sustainability of the program is built, also it is proven to improve the oral health status within 6 months, improve acceptance in community, easy to transfer and create empowerment. In 2016 Dental Immunization was accepted as Regulation in Ministry of Health Indonesia and become National Policy.