Cultural competence and emotional intelligence for dental providers
5th American Dental Congress
October 05-07, 2015 Philadelphia, USA

Isabel Rambob

University of Maryland School of Dentistry, USA

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Cultural competency is a process of developing proficiency in effectively responding in a cross-cultural context. Cultural competency is one of the main ingredients in closing the disparities gap in health care. Itā??s the way patients and doctors can come together and talk about health concerns without cultural differences hindering the conversation, but enhancing it. Quite simply, health care services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients can help bring about positive health outcomes. A growing body of research over the past two decades has focused on emotional intelligence (EI). EI as a conceptual framework for understanding the component parts and their interplay in personal effectiveness is particularly useful. It translates psychological knowledge into terms that are useable by people not professionally trained in psychology, i.e., dentists. Many studies have been conducted to identify the relationship between EI skill development and success in various endeavors. Leaders in business, education, medicine, and dentistry have begun to introduce the concepts of EI into their work environments, with considerable success in influencing behaviors for all involved. This presentation will provide dental providers key cultural competency information and practical insight into how to apply this knowledge in their day-to-day work environments as they deal with patients on a clinical basis. It will also focus on the characteristics of emotionally intelligent people, emotional intelligence and patient satisfaction and how culture and emotional intelligence have an impact on oneā??s perception of health and illness.

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