Change in the quality of life (QoL) of patients with borderline personality disorder during treatment: The moderator role of resilience
Webinar of European Conference on Psychiatry
February 24, 2022 | Webinar

Veronica Guillen

University of Valencia, Spain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Introduction: Studies suggest that psychotherapy improves the quality of life (QoL) of people with BPD. However, there are no studies about the differential efficacy of treatments in the QoL of participants BPD. Moreover, the relationship between QoL and resilience has rarely been studied in participants with BPD. Objectives: To examine whether there are differences between DBT, STEPPS, and TAU-CBT in the improvement of QoL; b) to examine whether participants show clinically significant change; and d) to analyse whether Resilience is a moderator of the QoL during treatment. Method: The sample comprised 403 participants (n = 202 participants diagnosed with BPD, and n = 201 non-clinical). MANOVA and regression analysis were performed. Results: All forms of psychotherapy improved QoL, but there was no clinical change after the treatments; Resilience moderated the relationship tbetween QoL before and after the treatment.

Biography :

Veronica Guillen is Full Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Valencia. She is Co-director of the Master in Multidisciplinary Intervention in Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders and Emotional Disorders (Degree offered by the University of Valencia) (2007-present). She obtained the Certificate of Therapist in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (2018) and completed the Family Connections Training program: a program for family members of people with borderline personality disorder (May 2017). She obtained the Leader Training certificate in Family Connections (May 2018). Dr. Guillen’s main line of research focuses on eating disorders, personality disorders, and suicide. A few years ago, a line of research was launched that focuses on providing help to family members of people with ED, PD, and suicide. Currently, she is President of the National Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder Education in Spain (NEABPD-SPAIN), which runs Family Connections groups for family members of people with borderline disorders, emotional dysregulation, and suicide.