Brazilian biodiesel: The case of the palm?s social projects
World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering
November 18-20, 2013 Hilton San Antonio Airport, TX, USA

Aldara da Silva Cesar

Accepted Abstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol


Brazil is among the world's leading producers of biodiesel. The production of oleaginous derived biodiesel produced by small- scale farmers is a key goal of PNPB. The Social Fuel Seal is one of the instruments for achieving this objective. However, the goal of the productive insertion of small-scale farmers in Brazil?s less favored regions has not been fully achieved. The Brazilian government had faced difficulties to promote regional development based on PNPB. In this context of difficulties, the productive arrangements with palm oil should be emphasized. The presentation will show some details of the social arrangement developed with palm in the North of the country. These social projects are a pilot and involved four projects with the total of 182 small families. Unfortunately, the projects with palm are not competitive, even in the large scale, reason the focus company had already got out of the biodiesel market. However, these projects are taken as reference and can promote social inclusion in the country?s national biodiesel productive chain. Moreover, this case study can serve as an assessment tool for other countries that seek to invest in the production of biodiesel with the concern for the social production inclusion of disadvantaged small-scale family farmers

Biography :

Aldara da Silva Cesar, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at the Department of Agribusiness Engineering and research at the Graduate Program in Environmental Technology at Fluminense Federal University, in Brazil. She obtained her master and doctor degree at Industrial Engineering. She has been researching in areas related to the Agribusiness System: Diagnostics, Strategic Planning, Supply Chain Management and Supply Chains. Since 2007, she has been dedicate in better understand the drivers of competitiveness of biodiesel production chain and issues of environmental and social sustainability of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel in Brazil (called PNPB)