A. M. Abd El-Aty, Jeong-Heui Choi, Ma-Wou Ko, Sathya Khay, Ayman Goudah1, Ho-Chul Shin, Jin-Suk Kim, Byung-Joon Chang, Chi-Ho Lee and Jae-Han Shim
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: PAA
Since its commercial development in the early 1990s, supercritical fl uid extraction (SFE) has attracted considerable attention as a sample-preparation procedure. However, other diff erent sample preparation procedures, including precipitation, liquid- and/or solid-phase extraction, still remain in popular use in biological fl uids. In this investigation, SFE was introduced to isolate and identify orbifl oxacin (OBFX), from plasma and milk. Four parameters, including the temperature and the pressure of supercritical fl uid, modifi er ratios and dynamic extraction time, were evaluated and optimized to obtain the best yield of the analyte from the biological fl uids. Determinations of the OBFX in the extracts were carried out using HPLC- FLD. Th e optimum conditions of the extraction process that yielded the maximum extraction effi ciencies (recovery %) of the analyte were 150?C vs. 60?C, 250 kg/cm 2 , 30% vs 35% methanol, and 40 min vs. 20 min, for plasma and milk, respectively. Good linearity (at least r 2 ≥ 0.999) of the calibration curves was obtained over the range from 0.2 to 0.01 μg mL -1 . Th e method gave quite good extraction effi ciency (recovery rate: 74.2?127.73%) and precision (RSDs: 1.64?20%). Th e instrumental LOD and LOQ values were 0.004 μg mL -1 vs. 0.01 μg mL -1 , or 0.006 μg mL -1 vs. 0.02 μg mL -1 , for plasma and milk, respectively. Th e method was successfully applied to estimate the pharmacokinetic variables in lactating does following IV and IM administration of OBFX at a dose rate of 2.5 mg kg -1 bwt. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fi rst time SFE has been applied to isolate an antimicrobial agent from biological fl uids. Th is method is promising for clinical applications and for pharmacokinetic studies of various pharmaceuticals in biological fl uids.
Dr Abd El-Aty has completed his Ph.D at the age of 30 years from Cairo University and postdoctoral studies from Central South University Xiang-Ya School of Medicine, China; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan; and Inje University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea. Last 5 years he was appointed as a visiting Professor in College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National University and Foreign Professor in College of Veterinary Medicine. Konkuk University in Republic of Korea. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and serving as an editorial board member of Journal of Advanced Research (the Of fi cial Journal of Cairo University) and Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports.