Research Article - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 2

Survey of Medicinal Plant in Kombolcha, Dessie and Hayek Markets Used by Indigenous People of Wollo, Ethiopia
Sisay Awoke*
Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Wollo University, Ethiopia
*Correspondence: Sisay Awoke, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Wollo University, Ethiopia, Email:

Received: 23-Jan-2021 Published: 27-Feb-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2157-7110.21.12.869


Ethnobotanical study on traditional medicinal plants were conducted between April and May, 2019 in Kombolcha, Dessie and Hayek markets and documented different types of traditional medicinal plants used by the indigenous peoples. The study was focused on identifying medicinal plants, disease treated, part of the plant used, methods of preparation and route of administration. The data was collected using interview and questionnaires by selecting 97 informants and 3 traditional healers using random and purposive sampling method, respectively. A total of 69 medicinal plant species were collected and identified from the study area for treating 35 human aliments. Out of these 44 (63.7%) were wild whereas 15 (21.7%) of them were cultivated and 10 (14.6%) were wild and cultivated plants. The most dominant plant part was leaf (40.8%) followed by root (15.9%). The route of administration was oral administration about 55 (40.44%) and the most common method of preparation is crashing and squeezing 55 (40.4%).


Medicinal plant; Healers; Kombolcha; Tehuledere; Kalu; Hayek


Ethnobotany is the study of the interaction between plants and people, with a particular emphasis on traditional tribal cultures. According to World Health Organization (WHO), traditional medicine is defined as the sum total of all knowledge and practice, in the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of physical, mental or social unbalances. These practical experiences and observations are being transferred from generation to generation, either verbally or in writing. About 85% of world population uses herbal medicines for prevention and treatment of diseases. Approximately 20% of known plants have been used in pharmaceutical studies, affecting the healthcare system in positive ways such as treating cancer and harmful diseases [1]. About 80% of the total population of Ethiopia is depending on traditional medicine to treat different types of human ailments [2].

Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and their use by indigenous healers and drug development in the present are not only useful for conservation of cultural tradition and biodiversity but also for community health care and drug development in the local people [3]. The indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants appears when humans started and learned how to use the traditional knowledge on medicinal plants [4,5].

Plants are rich in many bioactive compounds. High concentrations of phytochemicals, which may protect against free radical, mostly accumulated in fruits and vegetables [6]. Plants have a long history of use on the African continent for the treatment of different diseases and complaints. In certain African countries, up to 90% of the population still relies exclusively on plants as a source of medicines [3].

Ethiopia has about 800 species of plants that are used in the traditional health care system to treat mental and physical disorders. Traditional medicine remains the main resource for a large majority (80%) of the people in Ethiopia for treating health problems [7]. Ethiopia is endowed with a diverse biological resources including about 6,500 species of higher plants, with approximately 12% endemic, hence making it one of the six plant biodiversity rich regions [8].

Ethiopia is one of a medicinal plant rich country in Africa. South Wollo is one of the zone rich in medicinal plants. Most lands of this zone are steep mountain slop and not well structured to plough by the farmers and covered by medicinal plants: herbs and shrubs. Moreover, the people living in the area have been a good experience of using such medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases by transferring traditional knowledge from generation to generation through the line of families.

Despite the use of natural products over many centuries, only relatively small numbers of plant species have been studied for possible applications and the spread of this knowledge is mostly limited to indigenous societies. The loss of valuable plants due to population pressure, agricultural expansion, drought and deforestation is widely reported by different researchers in Ethiopia, and also indigenous knowledge in danger due to influence of civilization. Absence of legal market to sell or buy such medicinal plants is the other point that needs special attention. To the best our knowledge, no more survey studies were conducted on the marketable medicinal plants in Kombolcha, Dessie and Hayek towns, Wollo, Ethiopia. Based on these sensitive issues this research topic is selected. So, the main objective of this study was to survey medicinal plants in market in South Wollo Kombolcha, Dessie and Hayek.


Description of study area

This study covers three towns of South Wollo; Dessie, Kombolcha and Hayek belong to Dessie Zuriya, Kalu district, and Tehuledere district, respectively (Figure 1). These districts share the same geographical boundary as shown in the figure below. Kombolcha is 25 km from Dessie in the south and Hayek is 30 km away from Dessie in North on the main road. The altitude of the study area covers both high land and low land, Dessie zuriya and partly Tehuledere are high lands and Kombolcha and other parts of Tehuledere are low lands. People living in these districts have the same culture and religion composition (Christians and Muslims).


Figure 1: Map of study area.

Selection of informants

A total of 100 informants were designed for interview; 40 from Kombolcha, 40 from Dessie, and 20 from Hayek as a source of data. Three key informants (traditional healers) were proposed from each site for the local knowledge on traditional medicinal plant. The selection of key informants was designed based on the recommendation of elders and religious leaders. Other informants were selected randomly as tabulated below. Only key informant was interviewed at Kombolcha. Before the interviews, informants were instructed carefully about the method and purpose of the study, and encouraged to admit if they did not know the medicinal plant species or its uses (Table 1).

Study Area

Healers Random Total



1 39 40



1 39 40



1 19 20
Total 100 

Table 1: Selection of informants.

Data collection

The data were obtained from primary source by interview. Base on the objective I concentrated on the needs and demands of medicinal plants by the community in towns but most of the people living in the towns are not familiar with medicinal plants. So to have valuable information, I invited some Kebele away from each town where the local people are living.

Data analysis

The data obtained from informants were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted based on the category of issues raised in the questionnaire.

Results and Discussion

Distribution of medicinal plants in the survey area

As shown in Table 2, the distribution of medicinal plants was more or less the some in the study areas.  Since they are sharing the same geographical location each other the data indicates that almost all medicinal plants used by the society found in each wereda are the same and highly demanded. Some plants like Ruta chalepensis, Ocimum lamiifolium, Momordica foetida, Allium sativum, Cardamine hirsuta, Eucalyptus globulus and Withania somnifera 100% used by the community as remedy in the study area.

S.No Scientific Name Family Parts of plant used No of Informants  
Ko/cha Dessie Hayek %
1 Ruta chalepensis Rutaceae W 30 28 14 100%
2 Carduus nyassanus Asteraceae S 5 2 4
3 Datura stramonium Solanaceae L 24 21 12
4 Phytolacca dodecandra Phytolaccaceae S & L 19 21 12
5 Otostegia integrifolia Lamiaceae W 11 9 9
6 Clematis simensis Ranunculaceae L 2 3 6
7 Artemisia abyssinica Asteraceae L 13 20 7
8 Calpurunia aurea Fabaceae L & ST 5 18 8
9 Cucumis ficifolius Cucurbitaceae S& ST 9 5 8
10 Ferula communis Apiaceae L 1 10 7
11 Kalanchoe citrina Crassulaceae L 6 14 7
12 Lippia adoensis Lamiaceae L 24 18 9
13 Myrtus communis Myrtaceae L 29 12 7
14 Ocimum lamiifolium Lamiaceae L 30 28 14
15 Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae S 1 3 1
16 Momordica foetida Cucurbitaceae L 30 28 14
17 Allium sativum Alliaceae ST 30 28 14
18 Salvia merjamie Lamiaceae S 16 17 3
19 Nigella sativa Ranunculaceae S 12 10 7
20 Croton macrostachyus Euphorbiaceae L 24 22 9
21 Crinum abyssinicum Amaryllidaceae ST 4 1 -
22 Cynoglossum coeruleum Boraginaceae L 1 - 2
23 Euphorbia schimperiana Euphorbiaceae L 2 1 2
24 Inula confertiflora Asteraceae L 3 2 -
25 Malva verticillata Malvaceae R 1 14 3
26 Rhamnus prinoides Rhamnaceae L 20 15 6
  27 Piper nigrum Piperaceae L&S 8 1 2
28 Carissa edulis Apocynaceae R 2 1 6
29 Justicia schimperiana Acanthaceae L 1 2 2
30 Cardamine hirsuta Brassicaceae L&S 30 28 14
31 Echinops  kebericho Asteraceae R 22 17 10
32 Vernonia schimperi Asteraceae L 11 10 1
33 Ziziphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae S 9 - 2
34 Leonotis ocymifolia Lamiaceae L 2 - 1
35 Verbasicum sinaiticum Sclrophularaceae L&R 21 23 9
36 Clerodendrum myricoides Lamiaceae L 4 2 1
37 Clutia lanceolata/ abbysinica/ Euphorbiaceae L 1 12 4
38 Solanum incanum Solanaceae L&S 14 21 12
39 Asparagus officinalis Asparagaceae R 3 - 4
40 Capparis tomentosa Capparidaceae R 15 - 8
41 Jusminum grandiflorum Oleaceae L&R 1 1 4
42 Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae L 30 28 14
43 Citrus aurantiifolia Rutaceae L 13 11 9
44 L 22 - -
45 Cordia africana Boraginaceae L&S 1 3 4
46 silene macroselen Caryophyllaceae R 2 - -
47 Dodonaea angustifolia Sapindaceae L&R 12 - 10
46 Acacia abyssinica Fabaceae R 9 1 1
49 Rumex nervosus Polygonaceae L&R 1 2 1
50 Moringa stenopetala Moringaceae W 2 - 1
51 R 1 - 2
52 Tagetes minuta Asteraceae L 1 - 3
53 Carica papaya Caricaceae L - - 2
54 Brassica carinata Brassicaceae L - 4 2
55 Rosa abyssinica Rosaceae R&ST 9 - 5
56 Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae L 1 - 2
57 Coriandrum sativum Apiaceae S 10 2 9
58 Olea europaea Oleaceae W 1 - -
59 Premna schimperi Lamiaceae W 3 - 1
60 Linum usitatissimum Linaceae S 12 21 7
61 Crotalaria spinosa Fabaceae R - - 1
62 Sorghum bicolor Poaceae S 21 17 8
63 Aloe macrocarpa Aloaceae W 12 10 9
64 Euclea racemosa Ebenaceae R 2 - 1
65 Impatiens tinctoria Balsaminaceae R - 7 6
66 Euphorbia abyssinica Ephorbiacea L - - 2
67 Thymus schimperi Lamiaceae L 1 3 -
68 Withania somnifera Solanaceae ST 29 28 14
69 Solanum nigrum Solanaceae L&S 7 2 3
Total number of medicinal Plants in the study area 65 51 64

Table 2: Lists of medicinal plants in the study area.

A total of 69 species, belonging to 37 families were listed. Lamiaceae appeared the most dominant family that contains 8 species, followed by Astereaceae having 6 species. Next, Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae were dominant; each family contains 4 and 5 species, respectively. Fabaceae contains 3 species, Apiaceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae found with 2 species aand the remaining are 1 species. The dominant species used as treatment of disease in the area is Cucumis ficifolius, 11.7% followed by equal percentage of Calpurina aurea and Croton macrostachyus, 10%.

Parts of plants used for remedy

The data collected from informants in the study areas indicated that the leaves and the roots were the most commonly used plant parts in the preparation of remedies accounting for 40.62% and 15.9% of the total medicinal plants, respectively as shown in Table 3. Analysis of the data showed that leaf is the most sought plant part in the preparation of remedies. Sets of works that were carried out previously elsewhere in Ethiopia also revealed that leaves followed by roots were the common plant parts used to treat various health problems [9]. Plant part used No of  plants in  study area Total %
1 Root only 11 15.9
2 Leaf only 28 40.6
3 Seed/ fruit 8 11.6
4 Steam/ bark 3 4.3
5 Root and leaf 4 5.8
6 Root and steam 1 1.4
7 Leaf and steam 1 1.4
8 Leaf and seed/fruit 6 8.71
9 Seed and Steam 1 1.4
10 Whole part 6 8.71
Total 69 100

Table 3: Parts of plants used for remedy.

Diseases categories and treatment

Based on the informants, disease treated by medicinal plants in the study area are related to wound and skin, gastrointestinal problems, associated with respiratory diseases, sun strike and livestock diseases. The types of diseases and their remedy are given in Table 4 below. Name of disease Medicinal Plants
1 Sun strike Ocimum lamiifolium, Eucalyptus globulus,  Momordica foetida, Allium sativum, Tagetes minuta,  Cynoglossum coeruleum
2 Stomach ache Ruta chalepensis, Cucumis ficifolius, Malva verticillata,  Verbasicum sinaiticum, Sida schimperiana, Rumex abyssinicus, Citrus aurantiifolia, Allium sativum, Brassica carinata, Foeniculum vulgare, Myrtus communis, Vernonia amygdalina
3 Joints pain* Carissa edulis, Capparis tomentosa, Justicia schimperiana, Croton macrostachyus, Impatiens tinctoria, Cucumis ficifolius, Croton macrostachyus, Jusminum grandiflorum
4 Evil eye/spirit Clerodendrum myricoides, Calpurunia aurea, Otostegia integrifolia, Echinops  kebericho, Dodonaea angustifolia, Withania somnifera, Artemisia abyssinica, Silen macrosclen, Capparis tomentosa, Rosa abyssinica, Carissa edulis, Piper nigrum, Echinops  kebericho
5 Malaria Rhamnus prinoides, Cordia africana, Allium sativum,
6 Snake bite/poison/ Asparagus officinalis, Nicotiana tabacum, Allium sativum,  Solanum incanum
7 Wound Carduus nyassanus, Momordica foetida, Cucumis ficifolius,  Euphorbia schimperiana, Dodonaea angustifolia, Euphorbia abyssinica
8 Vomiting Salvia merjamie, Allium sativum, Nigella sativa, Clerodendrum myricoides, Justicia schimperiana,  Vernonia amygdalina
9 Gastritis Linum usitatissimum, Thymus schimperi
10 Bone fractured Kalanchoe citrina, Sorghum bicolor, Asparagus africanuss
11 Tonsillitis Jusminum grandiflorum, Rhamnus prinoides, Piper nigrum
12 Ringworm Cynoglossum coeruleum, Solanum nigrum, Croton macrostachyus, Datura stramonium,
13 Rh- disease Clutia lanceolate
14 Impotency Cucumis ficifolius, Aloe macrocarpa
15 Hypertension Moringa stenopetala,  Thymus schimperi
16 Eczema Cucumis ficifolius, Clutia lanceolate, Rumex nervosus,  Calpurina aurea, Dodonaea angustifolia
17 Dandruff Datura stramonium, Croton macrostachyus, Vernonia schimperi, Ziziphus mauritiana, Calpurina aurea
18 Tuberculosis Croton macrostachyus, Calpurunia aurea
19 Tooth pain Datura stramonium, Premna schimperi, Cardamine hirsute,  Euclea racemosae, Inula confertiflora, Olea europaea
20 Yellow fever Cucumis ficifolius, Piper nigrum
21 Skin disease Myrtus communis, Clutia lanceolate, Rumex nervosus,  Ziziphus mauritiana, Cucumis ficifolius, Datura stramonium, Impatiens tinctoria
22 Fire burn Rumex nervosus, Aloe macrocarpa
23 Herpes Zoster Clerodendrum myricoides, Premna schimperi, Olea europaea, Asparagus officinalis
24 Emergency Foeniculum vulgare, Carduus nyassanus, Croton macrostachyus, Justicia schimperiana, Otostegia tomentosa
25 Bloating Ferula communis, Asparagus officinalis, Brassica carinata,  Crinum abyssinicum, Datura stramonium
26 Donkey disease Inula confertiflora
27 Cattle disease Inula confertiflora, Croton macrostachyus, Justicia schimperiana
28 Insecticide Calpurunia aurea, Solanum incanum, Otostegia integrifolia, Phytolacca dodecandra
29 Diarrhea Leonotis ocymifolia, Acacia abyssinica, Calpurina aurea, Cucumis ficifolius
30 Bleeding nose Solanum incanum, Asparagus officinalis
31 Allergies Vernonia schimperi
32 Hemorrhoids Justicia schimperiana, Euphorbia abyssinica
33 Cough Allium sativum, Artemisia abyssinica, Coriandrum sativum, Calpurunia aurea, Lippia adoensis, Thymus schimperi
34 Asthma Capparis tomentosa
35 Eye infection Carissa spinarum, Inula confertiflora, Linum usitatissimum, Premna schimperi

Table 4: Diseases and medicinal plants used for remedy.

Preparation for treatment

In the collection of data concerning the preparation of medicine, informants have responded various skills associated with medicine preparation. These include plant composition (whether single or combined), condition of plant material used (fresh or dry) and methods of preparation. The informants in the study area agreed that most remedies were prepared from combined plant rather than single plant species. The most dominantly used preparation methods are given in the Table 5. Methods of preparation No of medicinal plants % medicinal plants
1 Powdering 27 19.9
2 Boiling 6 4.4
3 Crushing and squeezing 55 40.4
4 Smoking or inhaling 33 24.3
5 Chewing 15 11
  Total 136 100

Table 5: Preparation of medicinal plants for treatment.


The dosage of medicinal plant is varying from place to place in the study area. In some case they used cup and in other case used bottle for oral treatment. The key informants revealed that through their long time experience, there was no any problem related to dosage. However, they suggested that care has to be taken whenever we use plants as remedy. Most of the medicinal plants, 40.44%, in the study area are oral followed by smoking (steaming) and dermal 24.3% and 19.12%, respectively, as indicated in Table 6. Mode of administration No of   medicinal plants Percentage (%)
1 Oral 55 40.44
2 Dermal 27 19.12
3 Eye 5 3.7
4 Nasal 6 4.4
5 Smoking (steaming) 33 24.3
6 Other 10 7.3
Total 136 100

Table 6: Administration of remedy.

Market of medicinal plants

Based on the information gathered from informants there are no medicinal plants that are sold in the market legally. Except smoking barks, eg. Carissa edulis, Chat and Nicotiana tabacum, other medicinal plants are not accessible in the market. During the interview at each town the informants responded that most healers prepared and sold traditional medicines in their home rather than selling in the market. Most people practice those plants as remedy are unwilling to buy such medicines at any market. Because respondents believed that the plant material will be effective for remedy when collected by especial gifted persons and paid its price otherwise it will be passive. However, some medicinal plants were marketed but only for other use values like food, spices, smoking, steaming and cleaning purpose but not every market day.


Ethnobotanical study one a key instruments that give valuable information about natural products, medicinal plants. People living in the developing country needs an alternative source of medicine for disease remedy because of the rising cost of artificially made medicines. Ethiopia is one of the developing country and rich in natural products, medicinal plants. About 80% of the total population of Ethiopia is depending on traditional medicine to treat different types of human ailments. South Wollo is one of the regions covered by high dominancy of medicinal plants and accumulation of indigenous knowledge. However, due to some reason this resource and knowledge stagnant only in the community.

This survey research indicates that there are more than 69 species of medicinal plants in the area but the way of transferring indigenous knowledge and accessing medicinal plant to the market needs especial attention. Moreover, the people living in the area have been a bad experience of using lands by deforestation. As the informants responded, such valuable medicinal plants are in danger due to population pressure, agricultural expansion, drought, deforestation and overgrazing. Even though this is the case the study area is still rich in medicinal plants and people living there are using such plants for treatment of diseases.

Data Availability

All the necessary supplementary data will be available on the request of authors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

Funding Statement

This research was not funded by any funding organization or institution (did not receive specific funding), but was performed as part of the employment of the authors in Wollo university.


All the key informants (traditional healers) should be acknowledged for their willingness to share their long time experiences. Moreover, all the respondents are acknowledged for their unreserved support and genuine response on the questionaries’ and interview questions. Finally, Professor Ermias Dagne must be acknowledge because this survey has been done based on his suggestion and follow up.


Citation: Awoke S (2021) Survey of Medicinal Plant in Kombolcha, Dessie and Hayek Markets Used by Indigenous People of Wollo, Ethiopia. J Food Process Technol 12:869.

Copyright: © 2021 Awoke S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.