Commentary - (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

Social Sciences and Education vs. Aging: A Sociological Appraisal
Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi*
Department of Sociology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
*Correspondence: Dr. Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran,

Received: 20-Jan-2021 Published: 10-Feb-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2329-8847.9.s4.003


Social sciences as collective sciences including social work, sociology and many more defend and support aging; how people can live to have longer lives. Social work as an independent social science deeply approaches people entering aging period to stay healthier and safer. Such an approach endows longer life to people aged 60-65 and over. Similarly, studying human groups in qualitative and quantitative manners, contribute to upgrading human life expectancy. On the other hand, education as a master discipline contributes to how people can better adopt measures to live more prosperously-leading to longer life. So, the two parameters have caused increasing longevity in majority of the countries in the world.

Sociology as a derivative/ subsidiary of social sciences studies human's movement in social context in terms of culture, norms, behavior, social ties, and rate of social change during a certain period of time. What accelerate social change is education, more learning, new knowledge, research and development and many more. If we go back to history, generations were not so much different in various eras in the past. Values were the same within generations. Since the emergence of industrial revolution followed by electronic revolution which is still continuing, such developments caused globalization which made many norms and values similar in different parts of the world. Such a great change brought about large improvements in literacy and education. Institution of education itself caused great changes in humans' quality of life; an event which is still continuing. Social science as a master discipline has led and is leading to unprecedented change in humanity's way of life, more creativity, more solutions, more therapies, longer life expectancy, positive relations and values, and at the same time, negative values such as divorces, abortions, breakdown of families, and lesser care for seniors. Education has widely helped in responding to human needs in areas of food security, health security, travel and tourism, many more discoveries including stepping on other planets. However, humanity has highly upgraded due to access to more education in various areas and fields. Education has caused humanitarian values to increase; people have become more lawful and lawbound. Education also gives the citizens of each country more training, better and higher code of behavior etc.

Social sciences and humanities are very integrated [1]. They are used to fundamentally appraise societies in different ages. Disciplines used to help are history, political science and geography. If a society is to move smoothly, and with the least of challenges, social studies need to ever be followed [1]. Social sciences help in knowing man-kind in a better way leading to a perfect humanity quality. Therefore, social science is a prerequisite of humanity, and the link between the two is education. Sociology as an inclusive science studies all the details of a population concerned from birth to death, including the indicators concerned and influencing. Values of humanity are ever changing in modern time and due to the impact of science and technology followed. The term social research is also used by practitioners from various disciplines in qualitative and quantitative methods. The main aim of social sciences since industrial revolution has been related to the social improvement in group life as far as their interactions are concerned [2,3]. Foundation of social science in the West implied conditioned relationships between progressive and traditional spheres of knowledge. However, the disciplines of social sciences are branches of knowledge taught and researched at college or university levels, and the results of which are published in academic journals. The sub-disciplines of which study urban areas, rural areas, industries, women, youths, the elderly etc. Currently, the population of the world being 7.8 billion in 2020 (WPDS, 2020), is facing unemployment, hunger, family problems, divorce, high fertility, low fertility, cultural lag, increasing death in some parts of the world, illiteracy in other parts of the world and many more [4]. All such issues need further sociological studies to improve their lives. In this way, better humanity quality could emerge.


Citation: Sheykhi MT (2021) Social Sciences and Education vs. Aging: A Sociological Appraisal. J Aging Sci. S4: 003.

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