Research Article - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 6

Selection of Development Projects in Local Government: A Comparative Study of Pathalia and Birulia Union Parishad
Saiful Islam*
Department of Accounting, University of Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology, Bangladesh
*Correspondence: Saiful Islam, Department of Accounting, University of Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Tel: +2348182404156, Email:

Received: 05-Apr-2021 Published: 26-Apr-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2315-7844.21.9.293


Development is a widely used concept that entails the improvement of societies and its economy, politics and human, is “Both a physical reality and a state of mind in which society has secured the means for obtaining better life”. Through social, economic and institutional process the society ensure the acquisition of the wealth and betterment of the all people in the society.The development initiated from various levels such as local, national and regional, sometimes in individual level. Local Government Institutions and Local Administration emerged as boon for the local level development. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an integrated development plan, conceived by the United Nation which is to be achieved by 2030.


Development; Projects; Local Government; Union Parishad


The SDG is a new integrated development plan which is replaced on MDGs. Bangladesh is a major stakeholder of the goals that has been set as integrated plan. Among the 17 goals, 15 goals have been set by the choice of Bangladesh. Bangladesh will try to achieve these goals by the national and local governments. Union Parishd is one of the important development actors of the implementation of these development goals. The consciousness of the development goal setter to address the SDG and nature of the development goal choice is important in this regard. Thus, this study aims to explore the awareness on the SDG to the selection of development project at local government particularly, at the Union Parishad [1].

Objectives of the study

General objective of the study is to explore the project selection preference and process of implementation of the development projects at local government in Bangladesh. it also aims to identify the importance of the selection of the development projects in local government in Bangladesh [2].

Literature review

"The literature review that forms part of thesis is an important introduction to the research project and underpins the argument about why the project is worth doing. It therefore forms a distinctly recognizable section near the beginning and leads on to the more specific and practical description of the research activities" . Now the issues of development is not a new fact, development is going on from year to year [3].

Although a lot of research has been done on local government and development but little or no research has been done on selection of local government development project so that there is a vast space to work with the topics [4].

The state development in terms of economic and social perspective, they state development is a process meant for equitable social and economic transformation of the society through institutionalized social structures and people’s positive attitudes for an accelerated and increased growth and poverty eradication [5].

The utter the same points of the development that is a process of bringing equitable societal change through structural capacities. It is also sustainable use of resources. On the other hand, points out that positive and popular attitude are important for collective cooperation and tolerance in development [6].

The classifies factors influencing the effectiveness of development project objectives into ten categories. These are managerial, physical, legal, political, technical, social, corruption, cultural, environmental and economic [7].

The book titled on “Planning and development in Upazilas in Bangladesh” states that the decentralization of the many tiers of the government has mainly decentralized as a process of administration and development and termed the Upazila as a unit of local level planning and implementation of development projects. It also examine the existing problems and suggest the steps for its improvement [8].

The book on “Local Government in Bangladesh” uttered the theoretical perspective of local government and historical context of Bangladesh local government [9].

It wrote that the local community planning and development projects were not based on local demands and problems, moreover the politicians, bureaucrats and professional planners are played the key role in formulation development plan and projects and where the participation of people was ignored [10].

The 7th Five year plan of Bangladesh which was formulated in 2015 also give importance to the ten sectorial development which five targets is directly related to the SDG and rests five also related in some portion, while the targets of Water Sanitation, Environmental sustainability, gender inequality, income inequality and social protection is matched with SDG.

Significance of the study

Local government has play an important role for the mainstream development activities in the local level, Local government elected body have taken the different development projects in different nature for the infrastructural development of the locality. Every year, central government allocated the budget for the local government body for development programme, local government body have finalized their development plan in the word committee, it is very important for the local government body to select the project among different project. The representative of the local government has play an important role in the project selection process and implementation, the development most of the time depend on the activeness of the local body. So it is very important issues for us to know how much budget allocated for development and how the representatives set priority when the select the projects.

Rural infrastructure development is one the thrust areas of development in Bangladesh. But unlike Local Government Institutions (LGIs) in many Asian Countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines and India Union Parishad, the oldest and the most important grassroots level LGI cannot play an effective role in Bangladesh. There is debate over the implementation of the projects properly for ensuring satisfaction of the local people and hence the effectiveness of public expenditure under ADP, block grants, TR and FFW.

Previous studies have unfolded the administrative culture and values of Bangladesh. But within the framework of these factors, no study so far is visible investigating project implementation challenges in the context of Bangladesh. Challenges for satisfying the users of the local government project and the nature and ground of these challenges are yet to be understood here.

Material and Methods

The primary data are used in this research which is interviews of the Union Parishad Chairman, Member and the service holder from the union parishad.

Research method

There are different methods of research exist in social science such as qualitative , quantitative and mixed (both qualitative and quantitative), this research is conducted through mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative approach. In qualitative process, the research tries to find out the problem of why the local body properly select the project and also made the recommendation for pro-sustainable based project selection in local level because local level is very much important. On the contrary, in quantitative approach, the research is tries to find out the total budget allocation in development activities and mathematically compare with one another. This study follows the qualitative method.

Evaluation of local government

In the Indian subcontinent specially in Bangladesh, Local government emerged without following any paradigm, it's has been changed on the basis of ruling regimes in different shape.

In Pre-Mughal Period , the village council were in force in village-based local governments. while village administration was governed by the village Panchayat. The Panchayat had the power to collect revenues, maintain law and order, superintend education, irrigation, religious rituals, and moral behaviors of the villagers, In the medieval age. The scenery of local government in Mughal period was the different from the pre mughal era, a new dimension of local government emerged Chakla, and Pargana become the central power of general and revenue administration, under mughal ruler the revenue was collected more systematically. Meanwhile British government abolished both the Pargana and the Panchayat system they introduced British model of local governance, while the courts of civil and criminal laws became the basis of local administration and landlords became the local rulers, British government introduce a three-tier system of local government which were district board, local board and union committee, later the British administration introduced two tier system consisting of union and district board instead of three-tier system In Pakistan period, Ayub Khan the then president of Pakistan introduced "Basic Democracy", which was consisted of a four- tier of local government includes---union council, thana council, district council, and divisional council. Immediately after the liberation, In 1972 a Presidential Order No suspend all existing local government body and Union Panchayat (later Union Parishad) and the District Council was renamed as the District Board. During Zia regime, A three tier local government was introduced by Zia which were Union Parishad, Thana Parishad, and Zila Parishad, Later, in the very beginning of a commission was formed in order to recommend the new structure of local government and the commission recommended a for a four-tier system: Gram parishad at village level, union parishad at union level, upazila parishad at thana level, and zila parishad at district level.

During the caretaker government (2006-2008), they formed a committee name “accelerating and strengthening of local government institutions”, "the committee suggest to setting up a permanent local government commission".

They also suggested three tier local governments in Bangladesh such as:

• UnionParishad

• UpazilaParishad

• ZilaParishad

During the regime local government commission was removed and local government union parishad act-2009 was introduced.

Project selection and approval process in UP

All UP activities will be implemented in accordance with prevailing statutory provisions. At the local level, Ward Committees (WCs) will support UPs in planning, implement schemes and provide citizen oversight. They will be supported and overseen by Scheme Supervision Committees (SSCs), headed by the UP Chair or a prominent community member and having technical staff from line agencies. At the Upazila level, a Block Grant Coordination Committee (BGCC), headed by the UNO, will provide vertical linkages for planning and service provision, and ensure efficient utilization of block grants and coordination of capacity building activities. At district level, coordination, monitoring and oversight of project implementation will be handled by DDLGs, assisted by DFTs. A District Coordination Committee (DCC) headed by the Deputy Commissioner will monitor progress, provide guidance and ensure coordination between line agencies and local government bodies at the district level, (World Bank, 2005).

Role of Union Parishads (UPs) in project

Union Parishads (UPs) played an important role in a number of project activities for identifying communication .Group for infrastructure, natural resource management and livelihood protection activities respectively. The UPs will be involved in the identification and classification of applicants by poverty, gender and professional status. They will need to understand poverty criteria and help use local indicators for identification. Members of UPs in beel areas and villages would also participate in PRA resource-mapping exercises.Working with Union Parishads will take the following forms:

• UPs will be involved in the selection and planning of communityroads

• Assist the project to clear the alignment of all project roads (upazila, union and community), and sites for all markets in the year before constructioncommences

• Assist with any issues regarding the need for land for roads andmarkets

• UPswill take the lead role in forming LCS – publicising that LCS is being formed, drawing up lists of applicants and screening them against project targeting criteria, to be finalized in PRA exercises.

The implementation management committee (IMC)

The implementation management committee (IMC) will monitor the progress and quality of construction works. For the work of LCS formation and monitoring, the project will provide training and honorarium payments to the people involved in this work.

UPs are responsible for maintenance of community roads, and the project will provide funds for this work within the project period. To stretch project resources, UPs are likely to carry out some works using their own resources, or communities may make voluntary labour contributions.

Union Parishad general meeting

In order to coordinate and addressed different local issues, The UP should arrange a general meeting in monthly basis. Chaired by the UP chairman the other members will attend the meeting and the decision are made through the majority votes.

Ward meeting(ward shava)

According to the Union Parishad Act, The UP chairman is the responsible persons to arrange the Ward meetings (Ward Shava) in order to fulfill the demand of the locality, the act stated that the UP should called the meeting at least twice in a year where development issues and local problem will be addressed. the outcome of the meeting should be reported to the Union Parishad.

Function of Word committee in development project

1. All types of information gathering for Development planning

2. Proposed project in wordlevel.

3. To implement the development project, word committee provide all typessupport.

4. Involved in the Development activities in the word level and encourage people tojoin.

Analysis of variable in the selection of development project in local government

This section describes the factors that determines the selection of development project in the local government and the satisfaction of the peoples about the development. This research also try to bring up the concept of development from the different level of the respondents through the field survey. According to the local government act 2009, the major project in the local government is select through the meeting of word committee with the presence of 5 % voters of the area, we examine that what factors behind the selection of the major projects?, Is the project select on the basis on the public demands through word committees or the chairman in his own power and political influence select the most of the project, some variables will help us to measure this such as Priority of the local demand , Political influence , activeness of word committee meeting and the project cost is the main factor behinds the selection of the majors project of the local government.

Concept about the development project among the respondents

For the selection of development project it is very important to have the clear concept about the development as they are the major factor of the selection of project. Through the field survey, we find out the knowledge about the development of elected and appointed officials and the respondents of the areas (Table 1).

Main theme of develop Elected and
government officials of
Union Parishads
 Mass People otal
Project Means NO % No % NO   %
Only road and
14 70 57 63 71 64.54
Development 0f
Education Sector
3 15 10 11.11 13 11.81
Social Development 1 5  8 8.88 9 8.18
Economic and sustainable
2 10 15 16.66   17 15.45
Total 20 100 90 100 110 100

Table 1: The meaning of development.

There are mixed reaction from the both sides but most of them opined that development means the construction of the roads and communication development, some such as the respondents form teachers have defined development as the development of the education sector, now we show the overall reaction of the total respondents that what the maximum respondents think about the development and what about the thinking if union chairman, secretary and elected members (Figure 1).


Figure 1: The meaning of development from the respondents.

From this, We interoperate that about the knowledge of development, most of the people including the government and elected officials have strongly believed that only development of roads and communication is the development in their eyes, from the field survey we show that 14(70%) elected and government officials think that only development of roads and communication is the development project while 57 respondents from the mass people said the same things, this is supported by 64.54% which is huge number, the rest of the people believe that not only roads and communication there are more way to develop through development project, most of the teacher and some students which is 3 from elected and government officials 10 from mass people believe that development project means to the project which is taken to develop education sector. Only a respondents of elected and government officials believe that the main development project of this locality is social development and 2said it was economic and sustainable development of the same category.

From this graph and table, we interpreted that the main theme of the development project, what they think in this locality is the development of roads and communication, Roads and communication gets the higher priority for the interest of both elected and mass peoples that said most of the respondents.

The secretary of the Union Parishads, due to the shortage of budget they don’t able to take others development project, they give priority only the communication sector because they public also demand this.

On the other hand some respondents claimed that though UP have scope to take verities of development project they only select roads and communication because of political influence and have the chance to grab money.

Knowledge about the sustainable development goals

The knowledge of Sustainable development is very much important for the development in the local level, among the 17 goals, 15 goals were selected on the suggestion of Bangladesh and archived those goals is only possible when the local level implement the project in accordance with SDG, so that it is very much important to have a knowledge about the sustainable development, so that they would select the pro-friendly sustainable development project, but our survey shows that the knowledge about the SDG is not satisfactory, most of them are not aware about this. We try to examine the SDG knowledge that when they select project is they select in accordance with the SDG?. But we think this is missing because very few have knowledge about SDG (Table 2).

View Point Yes Percentage No Percentage
Pathalia 5 9.43 48 90.57
Birulia 7 12.28 50 87.72
Total 12 10.9 98 89.09

Table 2: Knowledge about SDG.

This Table Knowledge 17 goals of show the about the sustainable development, the results is very dissatisfactory in the survey, most of the respondents including chairman , word members and secretary of the UP don’t have any knowledge about the sustainable development goals while Local area is the very important for Bangladesh to obtain those goals, the survey said, total of 98 respondent out of 110 which is 89.09 in percent is not have any knowledge about the SDG, it is more surprising to us that some teachers of high schools also know nothing about the SDG, some respondent which is 12 (10.9%) out of 110 have some vague knowledge but not deeply concern. So this is very much important for the government to focus on the Local government and representatives and at first of all arranged training and workshops about the SDG and make them conscious about the SDG as we know that it will fulfill by 2030 while Local government, I think play a vital role to acquire the targets but if they don’t know what is the goals how can they achieved it? , it is so doubtful to us about the accomplishment of SDG by the local representatives because they don’t have minimum knowledge about it. Here the respondents results is shown by the graphically (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Knowledge of sustainable development goals among the respondents.

The selection process of major development projects

As our main target is to find out the motivation of the selection of development project in the local government, so that we set all the possible way of selection as the answer and then ask all of our respondents, all of them have expressed their opinion, the survey data from the respondent show the selection of the major process (Table 3).

Categories No Percentage
Through word committee 52 47.27
Own decision of representative 30 27.27
Political party 22 20
No Comments 6 5.45
On the basis of Public demands 24 21.82

Table 3: The selection process of major development projects.

We already describe the procedure of the project selection process in the Union Parishads but none of the union don’t fully follow the process. There are some factors which is influenced during the decision making and selection of project, the word committee is very much important to take the development activities decision but in the last three year, the word committee meeting didn’t held regularly, on the other hand the chairman have the highest powers and misused his power in the process of selection of the development project alleged one of the secretary of the Union Parishads in the condition of anonymity (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Percentage of the selection of different development project

The survey show that, 52 respondents (47.27%) think that the decision is taken by the word committee, 30 (27.27%) said that the own representatives made the decision internally, and most the project was selected by the direction of their loyal and when they took the decision they would calculate their voting mechanism so that the all words don’t get the same development project in a year.

The secretary said, when selection of the project, some factors influenced , most of the project in his UP was taken by the chairman of the representatives while he allocate big amount only follower of his own ideology’s word members and rest are get less project. 22 respondents (20%) think that the project selection decision is taken on the basis of the Political party influence, for the reasons the respondents point out that the people who is the follower of the ruling party, get extra benefited and most of the project of the word is selected by the consultation of those persons, they termed that there is very fewer scope to took part in the word meeting , though some people took part they only sat ideally and hear the decision, all the decision was made earlier and the chairman just declared the decision, there is little scope to give the opinion of in the meeting , on the other hand the meeting of word committee is not held regular, so the democratic decision or the opinion of the people ignored, However , 6 respondents which is (5.45%) of the total respondents unable to make any comment about the selection of the development project, either they have no knowledge or they don’t eager to express their opinion regarding this issues.

From this table (Table 4), the major respondents believed that finance of the project is the main factors addressed by the UP during the planning of the projects, the number is 52 out of 110 respondents and percentage is 47.27, short and long term project also important during the planning, 32.72 % respondents answered this.

View Points        Respondent                            Percentage
Influence of Short and long time project effect 36 32.72
Finance of Project 52 47.27
Alleviation of Poverty 25 22.72
Social and Environmental effect 16 14.54
No Comments 10   9.09

Table 4: The major issue address by UP when planning of the projects (Multiple choice).

22.72% believed that alleviation of the poverty is the main issues during the planning of the projects and 14.54% voted social and environmental effects is considered.

Project implemented by the Union Parishad

It indicate the development project which are mainly implement by the Union Parishads, The Union Parishads mainly deal with Roads and communication, School construction, Tube well, sanitation and drainage and others important task, here from the table we see that most of the respondents said that UP is mostly do the road and communication task, which is 67 (60.91 %) out of 110 respondents , 15 respondents (13.63%) said that UP implement school and Madrasha construction and 13 respondents (11.82%) voted in Tube well , 8 (7.27) respondents said UP construct Mosque, 17 respondents in both UP (15.45%) voted in sanitation and Drainage system was supported by 23 respondent which is 20.91 % of total respondents.

Most of the UP choose the road and communication in vast way because that most of the respondents claimed that the roads and communication get higher budget among the project and they blamed the UP chairman and Member that the construction in roads and communication have the opportunity to income huge amount of money while others development project don’t have. In two UP , the respondents of Birulia Union Parishad said that their road and communication gets higher budget and half of the respondents have expressed their satisfactory answer on their activities but rest of them expressed anger and pain, while the scenario in Pathalia UP is different, while most of the respondents dissatisfy about the activities of present chairman though they voted that the UP take most of the activities on development of roads and communication but they doubt about the development activates of present chairman.

Results and Discussion

Earlier data show the project that usually accomplished by the Ups, among those project, the Ups is interested to take some projects repeatedly but apathy to take some other project, from the survey it state that Ups always eager to take road and communication projects than the other projects, the respondents also give the same data.

This table shows the development projects which Union Parishads is very eager to take only those projects, the most of the respondents informed that the representatives are eager to take those projects because of their own personal interest, they always try to gained extra money from the development project.

The Union Parishad is responsible to task all types of projects, but it seemed that they only eager to take the road and communication projects among the others projects, the field survey of two Union parishads also show the same things, from this survey we finds that a total of 80 respondents (72.73%), on the other hand the percentage of others social development projects is very less than the road and communication projects , only 12 respondents (10.9%) think that Union Parishads eager to take project for social and security. 8 respondents (7.27%) answered sports and 10 respondents(9.09%) answered others project. The respondents said that to choose the development projects, UP chairman and UP member interest is highly considered rather the public demands of the locality (Figure 4).


Figure 4: The graph show the projects which UP is eager to taken much in number.

Satisfaction level of the respondents

This is the another objectives of our research to find out the satisfaction level of the respondents in the existence projects, to find out the satisfaction level we asked the respondents about their satisfaction level and set the answer into five category in two Union Parishads, both respondents elected and government officials and the mass people have expressed their reaction.

The satisfaction level is very important factor of development project because development is for the people, if they don’t satisfied about the development we don’t call it over all a good and fair development, From this survey, we tried to take the opinion about the satisfaction of the development project of the Two Union Parishads.

In total of two Union Parishads, 23(20.9%) said they are satisfied about the present development project while 28 (25.45%) people said they are not totally satisfied about the development project, for this reasons, a respondents who is a grocer said the roads in Ashulia-Savar under the Birulia Up is very narrow, no one take the initiative to broad the road despite several time he informed the Union Parishads. A total of 9 respondents (16.98%) in Pathalia, termed the present development activities is as average, that suggest to improve more and they don’t have dissatisfaction but recommendation to improve the development activities, while in Birulia the number is 22 which is 38.6 % of the total respondents in Birulia.

In Pathalia UP, 20 respondents (37.74%) are not satisfied on the UP chairman and his development activities, In Birulia, the number is 8 (14.04%).

The total results of the survey about the satisfaction level is show that 28(25.45%) respondents negatively answered out of the total respondents, while 28(25.45) respondents are not satisfied on the development activities and the highest number of respondents 31 (28.28%) answered the average that they are not satisfied and not dissatisfied about the development activities., The satisfaction level is show below the graph.

Though the Union Parishads secretary said, the development project was selected through the meeting of the word committee, while a total of 5% percent voters of the Union Parishads were present and 30% of the present is the women but in reality it is not seen, from the data of Union Parishads of two Ups, it shows that in 2014-2015, the female voter was present 1.32% and male 1.72%, among the presenter 40% is female, and total percentage of the voter was only 1.54% which was very disappointing and the Pathalia Ups was failed to arranged the word meeting in the next year.

Limitation of the project implementation

We already discuss some of the limitation in the selection and implementation of the project, now we briefly discuss about some of the limitations learned from the respondents.

The Ups chairman and representatives have face some problems during the projects is not implement because of some limitation, where respondents also thing that the development project don’t implement properly.

They respondents show the political influence is the main barrier of the implementation of the development projects, a highest number of people 101 out of 110 (91.81%) said that political influence is major limitation of the proper implementation of the projects.

The respondents believed that all party’s manifesto has development agenda. But implementation of ruling party’s manifesto will make certain towards development. 40.9 percent agreed that lack of accountability is the major barriers of the development projects while 72.72 percent blamed the lack of transparency is the main problems of project implementation.

23.63% believed that the technical problems is the major limitation of the implementation of the development project, while 41 respondents (37.27%) think that lack of time for the implementation of projects is main barrier and 51.81% respondents believed that lack of monitoring is the main limitations , they said the chairman and the members didn’t properly monitoring the project activities on the other hand they poster the corruption lest they stop it, so the successfully implementation of the development project is depends on the activeness of the UP chairman, member and responsible persons but the experienced of two Ups peoples is bitter and they gave negative comments about it.


Union Parishads is the lowest tier of the administrative units of the central government, the al types of development activities would be done by the local government in the small circumstances, in this chapter, the researcher set some question to measure the preference of the UP representatives of how they select the development project on the other hand the satisfaction level of the people of this area and finally make some recommendation and suggestion of how the good selection of development projects and make the people more satisfied.

The selection of the development project is totally depends on the effectiveness of the word committee meeting and the awareness of the people, on the other hand people satisfied about the development project only when the representatives do the work according to the rules and regulation.

The survey said that the respondents of the area believed that more than 60 % of the development activities was taken for road and communication where others section did not get enough budget like as social programmes, education, health and sanitation etc. On the other hand, the service holders expressed anger despite huge task of road and communication, they blamed that the task didn’t accomplished according to the design, the also blamed that the Ups only take the lucrative project because of their personal gain not the welfare of the people.

For the new trends of development it is very much important to know the sustainable development because local government body is the main field of the fulfillment of the goals of SDG, but it is very much regrettable that the respondents as well as union secretary, chairman and other important persons don’t have any single knowledge about the SDG, how they implement those goals, most of the respondents said that the budget which is allocate by the Upazilla is not sufficient, they suggest to enhance the budget.

The main objective of our research is to see the selection process of development project of local government , from the union parisads we learned that most of the project have taken on the basis of the public demands through word shava while 5% of total voter is present and 30% of them is women, the Word meeting is schedule to be held twice in a year, it is the general rules of selection of development project but in the reality the scenario is totally different, the word shava didn’t held regularly held in any union parishads, vary rare case the meeting is held but not effective alleged the respondents, the Up chairman and member is always try to serve the own political ideology peoples ignoring the mass demands, they also alleged that ignoring the public decision the representatives is finalized their preplanned set up as a result the mass peoples show the word shava as the eye wash, as a result the selection of development project form the survey we learned is not select in fair process, it dominant by the Up chairman, and influential leaders of the area. The other objective is to see the satisfaction level of the people of those development this experience is also bitter because most of them are not satisfied about the present development of the area, The total results of the survey about the satisfaction level is show that 28(25.45%) respondents negatively answered out of the total respondents, while 28(25.45) respondents are not satisfied on the development activities and the highest number of respondents 31 (28.28%) answered the average that they are not satisfied and not dissatisfied about the development activities.

The respondents also identified some major’s barriers which is influence of political party during the implementation of project, lack of transparency, lack of monitoring, corruption etc.

But in reality, the data from the Union Parishads said that the word meeting didn’t held regularly, those it is scheduled to be held twice in a year and all the development project should be selected on the meeting but in reality it was not held, we collected the last three year data and the number of present of word shava which stated that the word shava was held one time each three year though it had to held two time, the present was not satisfied, on an average 3% of the total voter was attended in the word shava, the decision making is very important in word shava , 47.27% respondents believed that most of the decision is taken through word committee but the rest percentage believed that the decision is taken by the own choice of up chairman and members and the influence of political party, that is we interpret that the most of the decision was taken without the word shava which is violation of the UP Act 2009.

From the survey we say that the people is not satisfied at all, In total of two Union Parishads, 23(20.9%) said they are satisfied about the present development project while 28 (25.45%) people said they are not totally satisfied about the development project, for this reasons, a respondents who is a grocer said the roads in Ashulia-Savar under the Birulia Up is very narrow, no one take the initiative to broad the road despite several time he informed the Union Parishads. A total of 9 respondents (16.98%) in Pathalia, termed the present development activities is as average, that suggest to improve more and they don’t have dissatisfaction but recommendation to improve the development activities while in Birulia the number is 22 which is 38.6 % of the total respondents in Birulia, from the data.

When asked about the importance of word shava, the up secretary, up chairman and word members answered that word shava is very important for the selection of project with the demands of public and ensure the accountability and accuracy, the others importance factors are:

• The accuracy of the union representatives is ensured through the word Shava.

• The measurement of the demands of public

• The people can aware of the activities of the UP.

• Word Shava can create positive impact of the UP.

• Peoples have to rely on the UP through Word Shava

But however, our field data shows that the word shava was not held regularly on the other hand the voters don’t have little knowledge about this, from the field survey and the opinion of the expert we have identified some issues behind the irregularities of word shava.

From the survey and the interview of the word Union secretary, Chairman and the members also the respondents of the areas, those limitations are identified.

• Most of the people don’t know about the word Shava as a result they don’t participate.

• The proposed project through word shava cannot implement due to the shortage of the budget as a result people dishearten.

• The budget from LGSP is only used according to the rules so the budget of LGSP don’t use anywhere.

• As there is a big crowed, the decision about project is not easy because of different opinion.

• The UP chairman and Members don’t have enough knowledge to arrange the word Shava.

The another major problems that we noticed that, the UP is eager to take the same projects in one more times despite the other problems like as they want to take communication and roads development project in every year, From the survey and the interview with the officials and the elected members, the major reasons behind the selection of similar project once more time is according to the data and survey report, we saw that the UP chariman and member is eager to construction of Roads and communication project in every words, when asked about this, they answered the shortage of the budget is the main reasons, as budget is very short they just use the money to construct roads because it is essential, so that others social and training project get less priority.

In the survey reports, we saw that, the development project on sports, education, prevention of early marriage, and workshops etc is very lower rate, when asked about the cause, the secretary and the Up chairman said that the public only demands the roads and communication so that they prioritize only road and communication sector, on the other hand the government also allocate less budget on those project, however some NGOs have work on the social development project.

They alleged that the lack of co-ordination between the upazila parishads and Union parishads is also the reasons behind this, they said, sometime the Upizilla Parishad impose some project to the Union parishads as a results they don’t able to select those projects.


Citation: Islam S (2021) Selection of Development Projects in Local Government: A Comparative Study of Pathalia and Birulia Union Parishad. Review Pub Administration Manag. 9: 264.

Copyright: © 2021 Islam S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.