Perspective - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 11

Impact of Workplace Environment on Employee Performance
James Bond*
Department of Public Administration, University of California, Davis (UCD), United States
*Correspondence: James Bond, Department of Public Administration, University of California, Davis (UCD), United States, Email:

Received: 09-Nov-2021 Published: 30-Nov-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2315-7844.21.9.313


Physical and behavioural aspects are significant components of a normal working environment. Physical environment refers to the elements that are linked to an employee's ability to physically connect with the outside world. While the oce occupiers' etiquettes with one another are linked by behavioural contextual components. Individual employee behaviour is positively influenced by the surroundings. For us, the quality of the working environment plays a critical role in determining employee and worker motivation, productivity.

Workplace is a designated location offered by an organisation to its personnel for the purpose of carrying out their duties. The layout of a work space that suits the nature of the job or task to be performed can be characterised as this organised place. It can be set up as an office with cubicles, control pulpits, control desks, chairs, and cupboards or as a simple work table with all of the tools required for the job. The employee's immediate surroundings, which are adjusted by the employee in order to do the prescribed task, are referred to as the workplace environment. As a result, a workplace provides an atmosphere in which an employee may do a specific activity. It refers to the physical environment in where people operate, as well as the job profile, culture, and surrounding conditions. It is the setting in which employees collaborate to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. It encompasses all systems, procedures, structures, and technologies that interact with people and have a positive or bad impact on their performance. In today's fast-changing business world, the office atmosphere is the most important aspect in keeping employees happy. The modern workplace is unique, diversified, and continually evolving. Workplaces are rapidly changing due to technological advancements, novel communication methods, and different work patterns.

Workplace environment refers to anything that surrounds people and has an impact on how they do their tasks and responsibilities. Workplace environment is both an external and internal factor that can influence employees' working spirits and, as a result, the quantity and quality of their jobs. A good working environment is one in which individuals can execute their tasks in a safe, healthy, and comfortable manner. As a result, various studies divide the workplace into poisonous and conducive environments. The working environment is crucial to the company since it is expected to motivate employees, resulting in increased productivity, greater passion for the company, and deeper involvement with the work. Employees are also seen to contribute favourably to the job output when they feel valued and respected at work. A positive work atmosphere is usually beneficial to both employees and the company. The office environment includes the working culture, working style, hierarchies, and human resource policies that are established or practised in the organisation, in addition to work engagement and motivation.

An appealing and supportive workplace environment can be described as one that draws employees to their jobs. A hostile office environment, on the other hand, emerges when employees' actions in the workplace create an environment that is difficult for others to navigate. Employee productivity suffers as a result of a hostile work environment, which raises safety and health problems. According to a definition of workplace environment, there is a strong link between job performance and the physical working environment. Employee performance, satisfaction, social relationships, and health are all influenced by the physical environment at work. It is common knowledge that the physical architecture of work areas and workplace ambient circumstances are critical components in achieving organisational effectiveness.

Employee productivity is influenced by the setting in which they work. All parts of the workplace environment act and respond on the employees' bodies and minds. Workplace environment is defined by organisational psychology as the physical, mental, and social setting in which employees collaborate and their work is evaluated for improved effectiveness and production. The main goal is to create an environment that promotes maximum effort efficiency and removes all sources of irritation, anxiety, and fear.

Citation: Bond J (2021) Impact of Workplace Environment on Employee Performance. Review Pub Administration Manag. 9: 313

Copyright: © 2021 Bond J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.