Perspective - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 5

Distribution of Foetal and Neonatal Biological Fluids
Fidelma O'donoghue*
Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh
*Correspondence: Fidelma O'donoghue, Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, Email:

Received: 26-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. JNB-22-16753; Editor assigned: 29-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. JNB-22-16753(PQ); Reviewed: 16-May-2022, QC No. JNB-22-16753; Revised: 23-May-2022, Manuscript No. JNB-22-16753(R); Published: 31-May-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2167-0897.22.11.348


Preyer1 detected mydriasis in neonates whose mothers had received belladonna during labour in 1885, providing evidence for placental drug transmission. Analgesia has been recognised as a significant problem in obstetrics since then, because opiates and other related and synthetic opioids given during labour have respiratory depressive effects on the baby. While researchers continue to look for the best analgesic with the fewest side effects on the foetus, pethidine, which was originally launched in 19402, is still routinely used usually in combination with other medications. I looked studied the distribution of pethidine and chlorpromazine, as well as a wide spectrum of their metabolites, in amniotic fluid, maternal and foetal plasma, and maternal and neonatal urine to give quantitative data that might be connected with systematic clinical observations.

The most significant changes in body fluid compartments occur during intrauterine growth, when approximately 4000 mL of water accumulates in the human uterus (2800 mL in the foetus, 800 mL in amniotic fluid, and 400 mL in the placenta), and during the neonate's postnatal transition from the aquatic intrauterine to the terrestrial extrauterine environment. The amount of Total Body Water (TBW) and its distribution amongst the bodily fluid compartments varies significantly between the foetus and newborn in terms of body weight. This suggests that throughout the perinatal era, the corresponding volume-regulatory mechanisms are functioning at a level that is distinct from later life. Furthermore, the amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus is frequently seen to be an extension of the foetal extracellular space, implying that the foetal extracellular space has its own volume regulation mechanisms before birth. This chapter begins with an overview of TBW content and fluid distribution regulation during foetal life, covering the lymphatic system's and capillary membrane's roles in maintaining fluid homeostasis. The neonatal bodily fluid compartments' postnatal adaptation is next explained, with a focus on the therapeutic implications of these physiologic alterations. The final section examines the effects of prenatal events on blood volume regulation in the immediate postnatal period.

Fluid and electrolyte imbalance problems are among the most prevalent illnesses seen in sick neonates (both term and preterm). Due to fluid fluctuations in the first few days and weeks of life, the neonate's fluid and electrolyte requirements are unique. There is an overabundance of extracellular fluid during birth, which decreases over the first several days. As a result, the birth weight, gestational age, and corrected age must all be considered while managing fluid and electrolytes. Furthermore, the poorly term or preterm neonate must be taken into account, as the disease pathophysiology may have a major impact on fluid and electrolyte requirements.

Due to increased insensible water loss, poor renal function, and low birth weight, fluid management in the preterm infant is unique and difficult. For specialised advice, please contact the on-duty neonatologist or the PIPER service. The foetus is about 95% water at the start of the foetal period, and this percentage drops to around 70% during birth as the fluid transitions from extracellular to intracellular regions closer to birth. The fraction of fluid in the intravascular space remains constant throughout foetal life, and the objective appears to be to maintain a consistent intravascular fluid level as well as system homeostasis with appropriate blood volume. As the foetus develops, it consumes and "breathes" the amniotic fluid, voiding and "exhaling" it in the process [1]. Transcapillary and transplacental fluid flow appear to be the major processes for foetal fluid balance in the short term. Established in 1960 that the placenta connects pregnant mothers and their foetuses irrevocably, and that fluid and electrolytes easily flow between the two bloodstreams. Fluid balance in the foetus is primarily maintained by diffusion, osmosis, and active transport processes. Intramembranous fluid movements have been observed in sheep and may be active in the human foetus, in addition to the renal and circulatory systems' procedures for maintaining fluid balance. During the transition from foetal life to adulthood, the newborn's kidneys begin to handle roughly 10% of cardiac output, compared to 1.9 percent for foetal kidneys [2].

IV fluids are given as boluses and constantly throughout parturition to maintain maternal hemodynamic. A few studies have shown or demonstrated a relationship between maternal IV fluids provided before delivery and newborn weight reduction [3]. Kepplar examined the use of IV fluids during labour and the possibility of excessive newborn weight loss. Newborns of mothers who received IV fluids developed hyponatremia and lost 50% more weight than infants whose moms only got oral fluids (6.17 percent 3.36 SD against 4.07 percent 2.20 SD, p 0.01). The study assumptions assume that women receive IV fluids for medical reasons, that fluids freely flow from a woman to her pregnancy, that the baby is overhydrated due to iatrogenic factors, and that a correction in the newborn's fluid balance results in a detectable weight reduction [4].

Adequate breastfeeding is required for optimal baby health. Inadequate milk consumption can put an infant's health at danger. Using infant formula, on the other hand, comes with some hazards. Clinicians dealing with breastfeeding women (e.g., nurses, lactation consultants, and physicians) must understand the factors that influence newborn weight loss in order to account for weight loss that does not require intervention [5]. Preventing unneeded weight loss and recommending appropriate interventions when weight loss is essential.

The ability to recognise physiologic changes in the fluid distribution of the foetus and newborn is crucial to their care. The distribution of body fluid spaces in a foetus and neonate, such as TBW, ICF, and ECF, changes with age and a range of clinical circumstances. Maturation Both maternal and foetal factors influence the transition from the intrauterine "aquatic" foetal to the "terrestrial" neonatal environment. Gestational age, birth weight, adaptation to the extra uterine environment, and postnatal age all influence fluid distribution in the neonate. Appropriate hydration and electrolyte management in the preterm infant can help prevent a variety of prematurity-related problems.


Citation: O'donoghue F (2022) Distribution of Foetal and Neonatal Biological Fluids. J Neonatal Biol. 11:348.

Copyright: © 2022 O'donoghue F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.