Editorial - (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

Diseases and Their Emergence
M Bala Subramanyam*
Department of Disease-Biology and Molecular Medicine, SRM University, Chennai, India
*Correspondence: M Bala Subramanyam, Department of Disease-Biology and Molecular Medicine, SRM University, Chennai, India, Email:

Received: 11-Jun-2021 Published: 01-Jul-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2329-8847.21.s6.e002

Editotrial Note

At the beginning of the 20th century infectious diseases were leading cause of death world wide. Previously, three diseases were responsible for 30% deaths such as TB, pneumonia, diarrhea and now COVID virus became the first in the race which had taken down the population from last 1 yr.

Early infant and childhood mortality from infections contributed to a low average life expectance. A number of developments including improved nutrition, safer food and water supplies improved hygiene and sanitation the use of antimicrobial agents and widespread immunizations against important infectious diseases resulted in decreased host susceptibility ad reductions in diseases transmission. During the last century there has been a decline in infectious diseases mortality. Unsafe food and water absence of sanitation lack of access to health care or effective drug therapies and malnutrition are still common problems. Neverthless the benefits of primary prevention through immunization against infectious diseases have been profound. There was a world wide decline of more than 92% of infectious diseases and greater than 99% decrease in deaths due to diphtheria, measles, mumps, pertussis and tetanus between the prevaccine era and the first decade of 21 century. Now the COVID making every individual so sensitive that everything had shut which never happened every one around the world where in same mood. Thought process became similar nothing but save every individual from COVID. Some are completely stressed in losing their important members in their family.

New infections threats have emerged in the recent past to affect both developed and less developed regions and many neglected infectious diseases remain troublesome. Concurrent with the growth of the AIDS pandemic thee has been a rise in mortality rates among persons many countries paradoxically facilitate the emergence and transmission of some infectious diseases. Thus, from a historical view infectious diseases are now seen to have played an unexpectedly important role globally.

A broad range of parasites plague humans world wide. Certain parasites such as the plasmodium species that malaria are well organized. Emerging disease are significant for a number of reasons. From the purely medical view, many of these diseases are difficult to treat or have no specific effective therapy available, making prevention critically important. For most of these disease no vaccines are available rendering the most important tool of the past century immunization. As they raise they require social public health and medical mobilization as well as the diversion of human and financial resources away from other medical and societal problems. In many cases emerging diseases have became epidemic in developed countries because of their ability to take advantage of opportunities for transmission directly related to the infrastructure of development and to their protected ecological niches. They threaten less-developed regions to an even greater extent because of the limited resources available to combat them. Furthermore many emerging diseases have the potential to selectively kill or cause illness in specific substates of the population, raising difficult issues of social and economic justice, and resources allocation. Lastly, many emerging diseases are harboured in economically important animal species.

Citation: Subramanyam MB (2021) Diseases and Their Emergence. J Aging Sci. S6: e002.

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