Mini Review - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 10

Detecting Alzheimer's disease using a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach
Meraj Riga*
Department of College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abh, Saudi Arabia
*Correspondence: Meraj Riga, Department of College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abh, Saudi Arabia, Email:

Received: 03-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. jggr-23-19566; Editor assigned: 06-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. P-19566; Reviewed: 18-Oct-2022, QC No. Q-19566; Revised: 23-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. R-19566; Published: 29-Oct-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2167-7182.2022.11.637


Alzheimer's disease primarily affects the nervous system. Neuronal atrophy, amyloid deposition, and cognitive, behavioural, and mental problems are the main hallmarks. Over the years, a variety of machine learning algorithms have been studied and used for identification, focusing on the subtle prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment to evaluate key characteristics that distinguish the disease's early manifestation and provide guidance for early detection and treatment. Due to the difficulties in telling individuals with cognitive normalcy from from those without, early identification is still difficult. The majority of classification algorithms thus perform badly for these two categories. For the purpose of Alzheimer's disease early detection, this research suggests a hybrid Deep Learning Approach. Combining multimodal imagery with a convolutional neural network.


Alzheimer's disease; Nervous system


The principal neurodegenerative illness that causes Alzheimer's disease (AD) is. scores from positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and common cognitive tests. The accuracy is improved using Adam's optimization and the suggested technique, which updates the learning weights. In categorising cognitively normal controls from, the method has an unmatched accuracy of 98.5%. These findings suggest that deep neural networks may be taught to automatically find imaging biomarkers suggestive of AD and employ them to precisely detect the disease.


Results from positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and routine cognitive tests indicate that the primary neurodegenerative sickness that causes Alzheimer's disease is. Adam's optimization and the recommended method, which modifies the learning weights, increase accuracy. The approach has an unparalleled accuracy of 98.5% in classifying cognitively normal controls from. These results imply that imaging biomarkers indicative of may be automatically found by deep neural networks and used to precisely identify the condition [1].

The goal of this study is to create a convolutional neural network-LSTM hybrid that can distinguish between people with mild cognitive impairment who advance and people who stay stable. The suggested approach also predicts the conversion time, categorising those who think that conversion would happen within months or more and those who have no risk. The measurements used as a baseline were those collected at the person's initial visit. Cross-sectional statistics accurately reflect a patient's initial healthcare encounter. A variety of modern, high-performance approaches are used to build the suggested hybrid model. Recent developments in preprocessing and Deep Learning methods for early prediction research are summarised in the literature review Various approaches for forecasting have been developed by existing research, many of which include an image listing of the preparation workflow they used for the MRI data. Additionally, efficient outcomes exceeding 80% in cross-validation accuracy may be attributed to domain learning, which allows for the extraction of the most beneficial auxiliary characteristics from a related domain's cognitively normal classification. When using domain learning, each connected experiment increased the validation accuracy [2].

In terms of the paper's aims and objectives, the creation of a hybrid model satisfies them since it can pinpoint the transition from stable to progressing The model also more accurately predicts the length of time that developing students will spend in class, which is its secondary goal. The results of Multi-validation however, demonstrate that further work is needed to create the model's architecture and optimise its hyper parameters. The only method to enhance feature extraction and performance is to change these stages due to the little quantity of data and the pipeline's adherence to existing standards. In a field with minimal data, making the most of what is already there is essential. One method for enhancing the detection and forecasting of developing technologies may be domain learning it develops into. Domain learning has demonstrated a positive influence on model performance and the number of publications that use the strategy, according to a literature review on current methodologies. Although training the model's weights to recognise the traits of auxiliary AD classes in addition to non-AD classes would not enhance the model's presentation of the primary problem, it will hasten convergence and hence shorten training time. Another strategy that might improve performance is the segmentation of the brain. Parallel three-dimensional convolutional layers can extract more precise information from the brain's temporal, parietal, prefrontal, and occipital lobes, compressing the complex feature space. Finding valuable features should be simpler with a smaller feature area [3].

In this study, wrist-worn devices were required to be worn for patients who had been admitted to the psychiatric unit or presented to the emergency room due to acute suicidality. The Columbia Suicide Severity Scale was required of the patients. In patients who had a decrease in of at least 25%, there was an increase in the highfrequency component of the. Chakma et al. conducted a study to determine whether the results of a PPG-based research watch could be predicted. Patients who wore the watch to gather data on their heart rate and autography, patients who completed a survey, and patients there are numerous design decisions to be made once a methodology for processing the data has been chosen. One must choose the type of signal pre-processing to use for hardware, and one must also choose whether signal pre-processing is desired for. The majority of the studies in this review used one of two preprocessing techniques: either averaging/normalizing the PPG signal or applying filters to eliminate unwanted signals [4].

The goal of this study is to create a hybrid convolutional neural network that can distinguish between people with mild cognitive impairment who advance and people who stay stable. The suggested approach also predicts the time needed for conversion, categorising those who signal conversion will happen soon and those who offer little danger. The measurements used as a baseline were those collected at the person's initial visit. Cross-sectional statistics accurately reflect a patient's initial healthcare encounter. A variety of modern, high-performance approaches are used to build the suggested hybrid model. The literature review covers current developments in preprocessing and Deep Learning methods for early prediction studies. Various approaches for estimating have been developed by previous research, and many of them contain an image listing [5].


The goal of this study is to create a hybrid convolutional neural network that can distinguish between people with mild cognitive impairment who advance and people who stay stable. The suggested model also accounts for the time needed for conversion and lists the data in their preparation pipeline. Additionally, domain learning to extract the most useful auxiliary characteristics from a related domain, such as categorising. Cognitively normal individuals, may be credited with successful outcomes above in cross-validation accuracy and . When using domain learning, each connected.


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Citation: Riga M (2022) Detecting Alzheimer's disease using a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach. J Gerontol Geriatr Res. 11: 637.

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