Editorial Note - (2020) Volume 8, Issue 1

Aging Science: New Stage of Growing Old
Rajajeyakumar Manivel*
Department of Physiology, Chennai Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Chennai, India
*Correspondence: Rajajeyakumar Manivel, Department of Physiology, Chennai Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Chennai, India, Email:

Received: 28-Mar-2020 Published: 07-Apr-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2329-8847.20.8.e225


Aging Science deals with the stages that an individual face during late phase of his life. Journal of Aging Science is an open access peer review publisher which completed 8 years of publication. During this period we achieved in disclosing all the quality articles to the public where we can help researchers, scientists, professors etc. in updating the information every now and then.

During the year 2019, we have published articles related to sedentary behavior, Centenarians, Older adults memory, bereavement in geriatrics, frailty among surgical patients and many more.

The research article of Volume 7 issue 2 of Karlin NJ, et al. developed a typology towards understanding the cultural uniformity and components relayted aging which resulted in developing aging perception measure (questionnaire). This helps in investigating aging process world wide [1]. The review article of Scher LML, et al. summarized that there is an association between physical disability and sedenatry time in older adults [2].

The research work of Immamura Y, et al. helped in showing a path to improve the cognitive ability in older adults [3]. Identification of Genetic variants is performed by the Serbezov D, et al. where they performed whole-exome sequencing of two DNA pools of 32 bulgarian centanarians and 61 young healthy controls [4]. Even-Zohar A, et al. provides knowledge of current sexual behavior patterns and the biological and psychosocial aspects of sexuality [5].

The James EG et al. conducted regression analysis for identifying the association between coordination ability and self-reported physical activity among community dwelling older adults by using physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE) [6]. The commentary of Murad H. clearly described about the sedentary life style using a figure and also factors that influence the sedetary lifestyle and its consequences on physical, emotional health [7].


Citation: Manivel R (2020) Aging Science: New Stage of Growing Old. J Aging Sci. 8:e225.

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