Mini Review - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 1

Ages the Time Molecular Structure Health
Shu-Kun Lin*
Department of Molecular Diversity Preservation, Saengergasse University, Basel, Switzerland
*Correspondence: Shu-Kun Lin, Department of Molecular Diversity Preservation, Saengergasse University, Basel, Switzerland, Email:

Received: 01-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. jggr-23-21257; Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. P-21257; Reviewed: 15-Feb-2023, QC No. Q-21257; Revised: 20-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. R-21257; Published: 27-Feb-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2167-7182.2023.12.656


The Age of the Molecule, also known as the Chemical Revolution, was a period of great discovery and innovation in chemistry that spanned the late 18th and early 19th centuries. During this time, scientists began to understand the fundamental nature of matter and the properties of molecules, paving the way for modern chemistry. One of the key figures of this period was Antoine Lavoisier, often referred to as the father of modern chemistry. Lavoisier was the first to recognize the importance of oxygen in combustion, and he developed the principle of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.


Geriatric psychiatry; Health; Critical gerontology


Another important breakthrough of the Age of the Molecule was the discovery of the atomic theory of matter by John Dalton. Dalton proposed that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms, and that these atoms combine in specific ratios to form compounds. The work of Lavoisier and Dalton laid the foundation for modern chemical nomenclature and notation, making it possible for scientists to accurately describe and predict the behaviour of molecules. This led to the development of many new chemical compounds and technologies, including the production of fertilizers, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.

Literature Review

The Age of the Molecule also saw the development of new tools and techniques for studying the properties of matter. For example, the invention of the spectroscope allowed scientists to identify the chemical elements present in a sample by analysing the light it emitted. Perhaps most importantly, the Age of the Molecule marked a shift in the way that scientists thought about the natural world. Rather than viewing matter as a static, unchanging substance, they began to understand that it was made up of dynamic, interacting molecules. This laid the groundwork for the development of modern theories of chemistry and physics, and opened up new avenues of research that continue to be explored to this day [1].


In order to investigate impacts on longevity and health span, such as the amelioration of pathological conditions that might mimic age-related illnesses or syndromes, nutrient-responsive and other signalling pathways that regulate growth have been used. Nonetheless, research on human genetics, including the genetics of ageing and the impact of nutrition on regulating human longevity, is ongoing. To reduce this gap, the field is employing stem cell technology, patient samples, and organisation. It has reached a point of maturity that allows it to go forward with major investigations and clinical trials using canine breeds that are closely related to humans. Yet, cross-species analyses show that fundamental processes like proteostasis and protein half-life patterns, which can influence ageing processes and differentiation programmes, also occur at varying rates across various species [2].

These studies demonstrate that the exact, quantitative results in model organisms may not be the same as those in the human body or even in cohorts of humans. Therefore, interdisciplinary studies combining genetics, biomarker analyses, diet and drug surveys, and interventions in human populations are now needed within the field of bio gerontology, despite the fact that the contribution of model organisms in bio gerontology studies is prolific in understanding underlying molecular mechanisms [3].

According to the hyper function theory of ageing, a developmental programme acts early in life to promote growth and fertility, which ensures survival during the reproductive peak, continues during later stages of life when it becomes "hyper-functional," causing cell senescence, the development of geriatric diseases, and ageing. However, its pleiotropic activity later in life seems to be harmful to lifespan and some aspects of health span. Increases lifespan and fitness, hence bolstering the hyper function theory of ageing. Although targeting lowered worm fertility in the early stages of development, its downregulation in adulthood boosted the organism's lifetime. On the basis of this discovery, it has also been demonstrated that adulthood insufficiency has a favourable effect on late-life reproductive potential [4-6].


The Age of the Molecule was a period of great innovation and discovery in chemistry that laid the foundation for modern chemistry and many other scientific disciplines. The insights gained during this time continue to shape our understanding of the natural world and inform the development of new technologies and materil.



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Citation: Lin SK (2023) Ages the Time Molecular Structure Health. J Gerontol Geriatr Res.12:656.

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