Commentary - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 1

A Brief Note on Organization Management
Zheng Lai*
Department of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
*Correspondence: Zheng Lai, Department of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, Email:

Received: 07-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. RPAM-22-14862; Editor assigned: 10-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. RPAM-22-14862 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Jan-2022, QC No. RPAM-22-14862; Revised: 27-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. RPAM-22-14862(R); Published: 03-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2315-784


Organizational management helps each employee get the best out of it so that they can complete their tasks within a given time frame. Managing the organization connects employees and gives them loyalty to the organization. Organizational management gives employees orientation. People are aware of their roles and responsibilities and know what to do in an organization.

Need for Organization Management

• Organizational management provides employees with a sense of security and benefits.

• Better coordination between different departments requires effective management in any organization.

• As a result of effective organizational management, employees complete tasks within a specified time frame.

• Employees remain loyal to their work and do not consider it a burden to the organization.

• Effective organizational management creates a peaceful and positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Different Management Styles

Management plays an important role in strengthening the bonds between employees and working together. It is the responsibility of management to ensure that employees are satisfied with their duties and ultimately do their best.

Management must understand employees well and strive to meet their expectations for a stress-free atmosphere in the workplace.

Autocratic style of working

• In this style of work, the boss does not consider the ideas and suggestions of his subordinates.

• Managers, leaders, and supervisors are solely responsible for making decisions without much concern for their subordinates.

• Employees are completely dependent on the manager and have no choice autonomy.

• Subordinates in such styles of work simply adhere to the policies and guidelines developed by their superiors. They say nothing about business decisions.

• Everything management thinks is right for the organization is ultimately the company policy.

• Employees are unmotivated when working independently.

Paternalistic style of working

• In a paternalistic work style, managers decide what is best for employees and the organization.

• Policies are designed to benefit employees and organizations.

• Subordinate suggestions and feedback are considered before a decision is made.

• That style of work makes people feel connected and loyal to their organization.

• Employees stay motivated and enjoy their work, rather than seeing it as a burden.

Democratic style of working

• With this way of working, your boss welcomes feedback from your subordinates.

• Employees are invited to an open forum to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of plans and ideas.

• Democratic work styles ensure effective and sound communication between management and employees.

• Managers listen to employees before finalizing anything.

Laissez-faire style of working

• In this style of work, managers are hired for themselves and do not contribute much to the organization.

• Employees make decisions and perform work independently.

• Individuals who dream of making it bigger within their organization and want to do something innovative every time they dwarf people who come to the office for fun.

• Employees are independent of their boss and know what is right and what is wrong for them.

Management by wandering around for working style

• In the work style above, the manager considers himself an integral part of the team and is an efficient listener.

• Managers contact employees more often to find out about their concerns and suggestions.

• In this style of work, the manager is the mentor of his subordinates and provides guidance as needed.

• Managers do not lock themselves in cubicles. Instead, walk around to find out what’s happening around them.

Management and Leadership Skills

Leaders must encourage sound discussions in the workplace. Have employees work in teams and get to know each other well. Encourage employees to hold morning or weekly meetings so that they can address their issues. Don’t leave the problem alone. Avoid meeting employees separately in a closed booth. Discussions on a common platform are more necessary and yield better results. Meet staff once a week or once a month, depending on your schedule. Don’t make the meeting too formal. Ask the staff to bring you coffee. Individuals are not very open to formal discussions.

• Managers should ensure that employees do not insist. Conflicts at work should be avoided as nothing is productive. Make sure people are okay with each other and gel well. In the event of a conflict, management must immediately intervene and resolve the differences. Have employees sit face-to-face and talk to each other.

• Sometimes employees are motivated. Design favorable incentive plans and programs to get the most out of them. Thank you every time they do a good job.

• Make sure your employees comply with your organization’s rules and regulations. Set clear goals for your employees. You need to set goals and know what to do in the workplace. You need to maintain discipline in the workplace. Employees need to be in time for work and take strict measures against employees who do not follow company policies.

• Become a good listener. Management needs to interact with employees more often. These initiatives are a great way to motivate employees and help them stay longer in the company.

• The “Hitler approach” does not work in the current scenario. Be an employee mentor, not a strict boss. Guidance on their work. Please help them with their work. Help them create innovative solutions.

• Encourage people to achieve their goals and organizations to achieve their profits. Salaries must be distributed on time. Employees must be satisfied with their work.

• Managers need to promote the training programs needed to improve the skills of existing employees. Team building measures also strengthen ties between employees.

Citation: Lai Z (2022) A Brief Note on Organization Management. Review Pub Administration Manag. 10:325.

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