Articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got h-index 21, which means every article in Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research.

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53 50 59 59 38 18 37 88

Research, Review articles and Editorials

2 8 4 0 0 0 0 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

28 42 56 0 0 0 0 0

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0 0 5 0 0 14 0 38

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

182 268 285 336 317 251 208 177
Journal total citations count 2512
Journal impact factor 5.62
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.66
Journal cite score 5.14
Journal h-index 21
Important citations

Serra-Prat, M., & Palomera, E. (2019). Muscle strength, Sarcopenia and Frailty Associations with balance and gait parameters: a cross-sectional Study. European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 1(2), 61.

Serra-Prat, M., Lorenzo, I., Palomera, E., Ramírez, S., & Yébenes, J. C. (2019). Total body water and intracellular water relationships with muscle strength, frailty and functional performance in an elderly population. A cross-sectional study. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 23(1), 96-101.

Pillajo, B., Sanango, W., Sevilla, C., Osorio, W., & Rodríguez, P. (2019). Nephrogeriatrics: Evaluation of Renal Function in the Elderly Today. Int J Nephrol Kidney Fail, 5(1).

Narise, A., Bonam, J., Datla, D., Gamini, S., Bondada, N., & Lolla, S. Therapeutic Relationship of Nurses in Mental Health-A Review.

He, H., & Shi, J. (2021, January). Older Adults Priority and Depressive Symptoms of Older Adults in China Based on SPSS22. 0. In 2021 2nd International Conference on Education, Knowledge and Information Management (ICEKIM) (pp. 897-903). IEEE.

He, H., Xu, L., & Fields, N. (2021). Pensions and depressive symptoms of older adults in China: the mediating role of intergenerational support. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(7), 3725.

Ebenstein, A. (2021). Elderly Coresidence and Son Preference: Can Pension Reforms Solve the ‘Missing Women’Problem?. Available at SSRN 3829866.

Mitra, S., Gao, Q., Chen, W., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Health, work, and income among middle-aged and older adults: A panel analysis for China. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17, 100255.

SÖNMEZ, S., & ÇEV?K, C. Aging and Inequalities in Health. Humanistic Perspective , 3 (2), 496-511.

Palani Selvi, K. (2019). Comparison of Accuracy of 3 Different Methods of Working Length Determination in Lower Premolars In-Vivo and by using CBCT and Magnifying Loupe Ex-Vivo (Doctoral dissertation, Best Dental Science College, Madurai).

Kamaraj, P. S., Parandhaman, H., & Raguganesh, V. (2020). Comparison of Five different methods of Working length determination: An ex vivo study. Endodontology, 32(4), 187.

Afaghi, H., Sharifi, F., Moodi, M., AnaniSarab, G., Kazemi, T., Miri-moghaddam, E., & Tahergorabi, Z. (2021). Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among the elderly population in South Khorasan, Birjand, 2019. Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI), 35(1), 674-680.

Basha, A., Ibrahim, M. I. M., Hamad, A., Chandra, P., Omar, N. E., Abdullah, M. A. J., ... & Yassin, M. A. (2021). Efficacy and cost effectiveness of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose versus iron sucrose in adult patients with iron deficiency anaemia. PloS one, 16(8), e0255104.

Chatterjee, P. (2019). Fall: A Geriatric Syndrome with Endless Agony. In Health and Wellbeing in Late Life (pp. 93-108). Springer, Singapore.

Firestone, S. K., Keyes, L., & Greenhouse, E. (2018). Planners and aging professionals collaborate for livable communities. Working with Older People.

Bold, J. (2020). Supporting evidence-based practice in nutrition and hydration. Wounds UK, 16(2), 22-28.

Citty, S. W., Cowan, L. J., Wingfield, Z., & Stechmiller, J. (2019). Optimizing nutrition care for pressure injuries in hospitalized patients. Advances in wound care, 8(7), 309-322.

Wang, T., Matsuda, Y., Nonaka, K., Kakizaki, M., Ishiwata, T., Kanazawa, N., ... & Arai, T. (2020). Clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer with carbohydrate antigen 19?9 expression occurring in elderly individuals: An autopsy study. Pathology international, 70(2), 92-100.

Korolev, M.A. (2020). Medical and social assistance to the elderly (literature review). Consilium Medicum , 22 (12).

Muis, I., Agustang, A., & Adam, A. Lansia Miskin: Demografi Sosial, Distribusi Pekerjaan, Masalah Kesehatan & Perlindungan Sosial.