Yoichiro Miyake

Yoichiro Miyake

Yoichiro Miyake
Professor, Department of Oral Microbiology, Institute of Health Biosciences
Tokushima Bunri University, Japan


Yoichiro Miyake completed his D.D.S. from Hiroshima University School of Dentistry in 1976 and Ph.D (Oral Microbiology) from Graduate School of Dentistry, Hiroshima University in 1980. Presently, he is Professor at the Department of Oral Microbiology in the Institute of Health Biosciences, Tokushima University Graduate School (2004-present).
He is the member of Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Japanese Association for Oral Biology, Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Japanese Society for Periodontal Research and American Society for Microbiology.
He has authored and co-authored more than 50 papers and several book-chapters over the topics related to oral micro-biology.

Research Interest

Pathogenecity of oral bacteria, Bacterial adherence and its control, Oral health care for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia, Stress response of bacteria, Antibiotic tolerance of Pseudomonas aeruginsa.