Wen-Chi Yang

Wen-Chi Yang

Wen-Chi Yang
Postdoctoral, Harvard Medical School


Wen-Chi, Yang has completed her M.D. at the age of 25 years from Kaohsiung medical university and completed her Ph.D. at the age of 38 years from the same university. She had 2 years postdoctoral studies from Harvard Medical School during 2007 to 2009 and half year postdoctoral studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology after then. She is hematology, medical oncology and hospice care specialist in Taiwan. She is the attending physician of Yuan’s general hospital. She is also chief stuff of molecular medicine lab in Yuan’s general hospital. She published some papers in molecular biology and medical fields.

Research Interest

Stem Cell and cell culture technique including: Stem cell isolation and in vitro culture with different systems, Transfection and infection with virus to make a stable cell line, Immunize mice and fusion with myeloma cells to make hybridoma, Cell lines culture and make stable transfected cell line, Numerous Protein techniques including: Immunohistochemistry; Immunofluroscentce, Western Blotting, Molecular biology techniques including: PCR ,Chromatin immunoprecipitation, transformations, real-time-RT PCR and Gene cloning. Flowcytometry to analysis hematological cell surface markers and apoptosis assay