Wei Wang

Wei Wang

Wei Wang
Center for the Condensed Matter Science and Technology, Academy of Fundamental & Interdisciplinary Sciences
Harbin Institute of Technology, China


Dr. Wang is a biophysicist at Harbin Institute of Technology. He performed his doctoral research at Chinese Academy of Sciences, using accelerator genarated energetic ions to study their radiation effect on cells and biomolecules. After earning his Ph.D. in 2007, he joined the Center for Condensed Matter Sci & Tech at Harbin Institute of Technology, where he acquired some knowledge of two other branches of science—geology and physics. Just at that time, he jumped at the chance to integrate scientific ideas form those fields into the pursuit of a new research direction—the chemical evolution of life. His current work focuses on two aspects: 1) prebiotic synthesis and metabolism of biomolecules on mineral surfaces (FeS, greigite, pyrite, sphalerite, etc.); and 2) in situ detection of protein structure variations under high pressure (to study why submarine life can be adaptive to the deep-sea high pressure environments).

Research Interest

Prebiotic synthesis and metabolism of biomolecules on mineral surfaces, Life phenomena in submarine hydrothermal systems.