W. Andrew Yeudall
Virginia Commonwealth University, Philips Institute of Oral and Craniofacial Molecular Biology, USA
Andrew Yeudall attended Glasgow University where he obtained degrees in Biochemistry 1983 and Dentistry 1986 Subsequently he was awarded a research training fellowship by the Medical Research Council. He carried out studies at the Beatson Institute in the laboratory of Dr. Saveria Campo investigating the possible association of human papillomaviruses with the etiology of oral cancer These studies led to the degree of PhD 1991. In 1990 he was appointed as a lecturer in oral medicine and oral surgery at Bristol University after which he moved in 1993 as a visiting associate scientist to the laboratory of Dr. Keith Robbins at the National Institutes of Health. He held a visiting lectureship at the Eastman Dental Institute from 1995-98 and was appointed to positions of senior investigator 1999 and clinical senior lecturer 2001 at King′s College London. In 2002 Dr. Yeudall moved to Richmond Virginia as an associate professor of oral and craniofacial molecular biology in the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He is also a member scientist in the VCU Massey Cancer Center and an associate professor of biochemistry Currently he is interim director of the VCU Philips Institute and interim chair of oral and craniofacial molecular biology. In 2004 he was honored as a Visiting Professor in the Faculties of Dentistry at Thammasat Chulalongkorn and Chiang Mai Universities. Dr. Yeudall serves on the editorial board of Oral Oncology and as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of other journals in the fields of biochemistry and cancer research.
Molecular and cellular biology of head and neck cancer metastasis, and identification of novel therapeutic targets for squamous cell carcinoma.