Patrick Hannon

Patrick Hannon

Patrick Hannon
Hannon Biomechanics Analysis
Northern Arizona University, USA


Dr. Patrick R. Hannon has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Department of Defense.  Dr. Hannon is a retired professor and Faculty Emeritus at Northern Arizona University, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Dept. of Biology.  He held a tenured full time faculty position for 28 years at Northern Arizona University prior to his retirement in May of 2008.   Dr. Hannon has addressed hundreds of injury biomechanics, neurosciences and functional anatomy injury issues and has testified nationwide in over 400 civil and criminal cases in county, state and federal courts over the past twenty-five years.  He has completed faculty fellowships at Wright-Patterson AFB (Ohio) in Biodynamics, Brooks AFB  (Texas) in the neurosciences and accomplished a six month sabbatical at Thomas Jefferson Medical College (Dept. of Neurology) (Philadelphia).   Dr. Hannon has co-authored the first textbook published in the United States in forensic biomechanics, entitled Forensic Biomechanics, (2006; 2008) and additionally serves on the Board of Associate Editors for the new international journal entitled the “ Journal of Forensic Biomechanics” (twenty-two associate editors worldwide).


Research Interest

Human injury/causation biomechanics
• Impact/accident injury/motor vehicle accidents
• Civil and criminal biomechanics