Fabio Caradonna

Fabio Caradonna

Fabio Caradonna
Executive Editor
University of Palermo, Assistant Professor of Genetics & Cytogenetics, Italy


Fabio Caradonna, PhD, was born in Erice (TP-Italy) on the 31-7-1964. He is a biologist from 1987 discussing an experimental thesis in cancer cytogenetics and tooking a degree with maximum honors. He is PhD from 1992 (Cellular and Developmental Biology), Medical specialist from 1998 (Clinical Pathology) and assistant professor of Genetics from 2004. Like testified by his publication list, from 1987 up today he carried out (in Italy and at EMBL, Heidelberg) research work in cancer cytogenetics, mutagenesis, molecular genetics, polymorphisms in life styles, evolutionary genetics. In particular, in normal and cancer in vitro systems, he is studying DNA methylation changes, at genome, chromosome and gene level, induced by small molecules contained in foods. Recently he’s engaged as referee of strategic regional and national research projects. From 1992 he carried out teaching activity at University of Palermo concerning Genetics, Evolutionary genetics, Population genetics and, today, he is assistant professor of Genetics and Cytogenetics at the same University.

Research Interest

cancer cytogenetics, mutagenesis, molecular genetics, polymorphisms in life styles, evolutionary genetics etc.