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Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences is a peer reviewed open access journal. Scope of the Journal encompasses the advances in fundamental and clinical studies. The Journal is internationally recognized to gather all the research updates covering wide range of aspects. The journal encourages researchers to discuss high standards of medical care by promoting good clinical practice via our Open Access platform. The journal supports wide range of medical and clinical professionals to share and discuss the significant challenging issues to improvise the health care.
This journal aims to disseminate information on current Clinical and Medical Sciences with facts on technological advancements that took place in treating the cases. Articles are welcome in the form of research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications and commentaries on relevant topics. The editorial office ensures a rigorous peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for maintaining the quality of publishing and in achieving high journal impact factor.
Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences has assembled together renowned scientists in the Editorial board. All the manuscripts are subjected to vigorous peer-review process to ensure quality and originality. In addition to research articles, the journal also publishes high quality commentaries reviews and perspectives aimed at encapsulating the latest knowledge that synthesizes new theories and explores the horizons of Clinical and Medical Sciences.
The team of Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences takes immense pride in providing a streamlined and unbiased publishing process. Our journal provides an encouraging platform to the scientists for sharing their valuable research in the field of Clinical and Medical Sciences.
Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences is an academic journal which aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications etc. in all areas of the field making them freely available online without any restrictions or any subscription to the researchers worldwide.
The Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences is open access journal which considers topics on medical specialty(Surgical or internal medicine, Age range of patients, Diagnostic or therapeutic, Organ-based or technique-based), medicine, radiology , serology, pathology, Surgery, neurology, anesthesiology, allergology, angiology, bacteriology, biomedicine, epidemiology, forensic medicine, forensic pathology, geriatrics, gerontology, geriatrics, gerontology, biomedicine, immunology, virology, pathology, diagnostics, nosology, radiology, serology, surgery, orthopaedics, orthopaedics, Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Significance, Clinical Trial, Critical Care Medicine, etc.
Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences has got h-index 4 , which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences has got 4 average citations.