Buckman Laboratories International, Inc., Brazil, South America
Research Article
Brominated Organic Biocides Control Lactic Acid-Producing Bacteria in Bioethanol Fermentation Matrices
Author(s): Christopher L. Wiatr*, Julie Bazzell and Rita deCassia Bortolo Porto
Over a million barrels of bioethanol are made every day by fermenting plant-based biomass. Since bioethanol manufacturing is not aseptic, addition of antimicrobial agents is of paramount importance to protect ethanol fraction from Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) that can grow in the acid environment of the process, contaminate the system, and convert ethanol to unsalable organic acids. Antibiotics are typically applied. Unfortunately, antibiotics are chemically stable and carry through the course of the process and contaminate the solids, called Dried Distiller Grains with Solubles (DDGS) that are collected post-distillation and sold as animal feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. This research evaluated the effectiveness of alternative antimicrobial methods. Quick-killing brominated biocides, 2,2-DiBromo-3-Nitrilo-PropionAmide (DBNPA) and 2-Bromo-2-Nitrilo-Propane-1,3-Diol (BNPD) were invest.. View more»