Rangaswamy BE

Department of Biotechnology and Research Center, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka -577004, India

  • Research Article   
    Pulverized Maize Cob as a Recycled Agro Waste - A Feasibility Study
    Author(s): Vasudeva Nayaka KBL* and Rangaswamy BE

    The global market for wood-based furnishings annually increases despite of decreasing availability of wood resources, especially in forest lacking regions, leading to the specific urge to search for alternatives. Agricultural residues are materials generated in large quantities and can accumulate at such an extent as to cause environmental problems. Maize cob powder was taken and mixed with Epoxy (Resin) and Hardener was added; the mixture was then molded into a frame and pressed for uniform surface and kept for air dry for 24 hours. Then the particle board was tested for its mechanical tests like tensile strength test, compression test, bending strength test were experimented. .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2252-5211.20.10.376

    Abstract HTML PDF